Eleanor Cummins

Eleanor Cummins is a science journalist focusing on all things urban, especially climate change resilience and transportation. Her work can also be found in Slate, Popular Science, Atlas Obscura and the podcast miniseries Tie My Tubes.


Taylor Swift's Brilliant Courtroom Psychology Guarantees a Win

By Eleanor Cummins

Time Travel Is Possible Through the Whorfian Time Warp

It's the next best thing to a time machine.

By Eleanor Cummins

7 Times Scientists Fact-Checked the Bible

What debunks hath God wrought?

By Eleanor Cummins

Maps of Airbnb Reviews Reveal How Tourists Understand New Cities

Tourists pick up on all sorts of subliminal cues in just a few days.

By Eleanor Cummins

4 Theories Why Sperm Counts Among Western Men Are Plunging

And what to do about it.

By Eleanor Cummins

7 Massive Corporations Going Green to Boost Their Bottom Lines

Environmentalism doesn't appeal to everyone, but the economics of renewables do.

By Eleanor Cummins

Mystery Sea Bugs Behind Australia's Flesh-Eating Attack Revealed

They recently chewed up a local teen's legs.

By Eleanor Cummins

Elon Musk Says Other Hyperloop Companies Aren't Moving Fast Enough

By Eleanor Cummins

5 Times Swarming Bees Fucking Had it With Humanity This Summer

By Eleanor Cummins

California's Bullet Train Isn't Dead, It's Just Resting

What train's ever arrived on time, anyway?

By Eleanor Cummins

Why Are People Obsessed With Pimple Popping? Blame Evolution

You can't look away because you're hardwired to watch.

By Eleanor Cummins

Skinny Jeans Really Can Reduce Your Sperm Count

Boxers over briefs, my dude.

By Eleanor Cummins

These Are the World's 14 Most Futuristic Schools

From boat schools to surveillance classrooms, this is the future of education.

By Eleanor Cummins

Thanks to China, the 'New Car Smell' Could Go the Way of the Dodo

By Eleanor Cummins

Science Says Blowing Out Birthday Candles Is Gross

Mmm, birthday bacteria.

By Eleanor Cummins

Climate Change Will Destroy Your Popcorn Habit

If we don't act, the pop could stop.

By Eleanor Cummins

The FAA Can No Longer Ignore 'Incredible Shrinking Airline Seat'

By Eleanor Cummins

The Seven Wildest Google Street View Images of San Francisco

Google really is _always_ watching.

By Eleanor Cummins

Humans Will Hype Self-Driving Cars to the Point of Crashing

By Eleanor Cummins

Colorado Springs Wants to Be the Home of the First American Hyperloop

By Eleanor Cummins