
Ditch the Hassle of Shopping for Clothes With This Incredible Subscription Service

Dude! Leave the shopping to a personal shopper! You have better things to do!

by Christina Wood
Unsplash / David Lezcano

Your tee shirts are getting shabby. You do laundry twice a week to avoid running out of socks and underwear. And you haven’t bought a dress shirt since that wedding five years ago. New clothes would be nice. But that would require you to shop for them. And shopping is a hellscape of choices, brands you’ve never heard of, sizing questions you don’t know the answer to, and price tags that are probably some sort of joke.

The Menlo House Clothing Club

Select your style at Menlo House

Menlo House

Shortly. you will receive a box of clothes picked out for you by the shoppers at The Menlo House. It’s easy to return anything you don’t like. You can also easily exchange anything for another size.

It’s a little like going to the store with someone who knows what they are doing — and knows what you need — and sending them out to the store while you wait in the dressing room for them to bring you suggestions. All you do is accept or reject the items they bring. Except, in this case, you don’t have to go to the store or wait in the dressing room.

Every month you get a new box. Eventually, this way, you’ll have a wardrobe you like and that fits you. And you spent the whole time just being you.

You didn’t have to go to the store. You don’t have to make any brand choices. Just open your box and wear what you like.

Right now, you’ll also get a free pair of sunglasses and 25 percent off your first box. You can cancel anytime.