Dan Bean

Dan Bean is a writer and editor who covers technology and the internet — he even had a Twitter verification badge to prove it. His work has appeared on Inverse, Yahoo News, ABC News, CBS, and in your local Treasure Coast Florida newspaper.

Dan edits the blog for Mixpanel, a customer data analysis service. He is based in Oakland, California.

The green Android robot

Google Beats Oracle in Court, Jury Finds Android Made "Fair Use" of Java API Code

Though it doesn't sound like the story is over.

By Dan Bean
A blue map showing the Spanish American Halo LAN party connection

Facebook, Microsoft to Build a 160Tbps Networking Cable Under the Atlantic Ocean

The plan isn't to create a super sick Spanish-American Halo LAN party.

By Dan Bean

Sad! Articles About Trump Get Fewer Clicks Than Articles About Clinton, Study Finds

"The media’s focus on Trump has not benefited either readers or publishers."

By Dan Bean

Twitter Expands 140 Limit, Destroys Excuses for Not Adding a GIF to Every Tweet

Freedom of expression.

By Dan Bean

Tesla Promises "Freedom" and "Much Less Pollution" in Chinese Model S Commercial

"It really is the perfect car," the video's English subtitle reads.

By Dan Bean

Elon Musk: First Hyperloop One Test Was a Success "Without Any Help From Me"

The very busy Tesla and SpaceX CEO is happy someone is building his Hyperloop.

By Dan Bean

Georgia Tech Professor Used IBM Watson A.I. as Online TA, Successfully Fooled Students

It was a course on A.I., and the virtual TA's name was Jill Watson; the clues were all there.

By Dan Bean

Facebook and Everybody Else: The Q1 Tech Company Earnings Reports, Power-Ranked!

Who brought it the hardest this quarter?

By Dan Bean

Craig Wright: I Don't "Have the Courage" to Prove I'm Bitcoin Creator, so "Goodbye"

The Australian scientist's website now redirects to an apology letter.

By Dan Bean

Intel CEO Picked to Help Regulate Drones, America's Growing Obsession

"The creation of the Drone Advisory Council -- an excellent step forward for our industry."

By Dan Bean

PayPal Augmented Reality Patent Puts Comparison Shopping Stats in Your Face

AR in everyday life is the answer.

By Dan Bean

Elon Musk Says Google's Larry Page Inspired Tesla Bioweapons Defense Mode

Hat tip.

By Dan Bean

Will Google's Self-Driving Car Be a Fiat?


By Dan Bean

Watch Apple's iPhone Robot, Liam, Kill Siri in This Dark Earth Day Video

"Oh dear."

By Dan Bean

Prince's "I am #Transformed" Tweet Gathers Retweets After Artist's Death

"I am #transformed."

By Dan Bean

Google Gets Supreme Court Support to Scan Millions of Books to the Internet

We get to keep our online, searchable book index.

By Dan Bean