Chimpanzees helped African rainforests recover from a major collapse
A space chimpanzee’s dark legacy
“The names of these experimental animals are very superficial and usually only given to the animals right before the moment of launch. It’s important to know that before Ham was called Ham, he was called number 65. And before Enos was called Enos, he was called number 81.”
60 years ago, a space chimpanzee made history — and left a dark legacy
Enos the chimpanzee orbited the Earth before John Glenn. Neither Enos or John were happy about that.
Chimpanzee friendships are surprisingly human
Chimp Behaviors, Passed Down Over Generations, Are Starting to Disappear
Scientists are no longer seeing the behaviors they've documented for years.
Chimpanzee Gestures Follow the Same Linguistic Laws as Human Speech
"This is another piece in the puzzle."
Chimpanzee "Super Strength" is Built Into Their Muscles
Humans? Not so much.