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This Humble Plant Species May Be the Key to Terraforming Mars

Steppe screw moss may eventually be able to grow on Mars — and even help terraform the cold, dry planet.

ByKiona Smith

Mars Gets Slammed By Basketball-Sized Meteors Everyday, A New Study Finds

If planetary scientists are right, Mars gets pummeled by space rocks five times more often than anyone previously suspected.

ByKiona Smith

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captured The Eerie Aftermath of A Solar Eruption Blasting Mars

An X-class solar flare represents the most powerful solar eruptions.

ByDoris Elín Urrutia

In an Extremely Unlikely First, Scientists Found Frost On the Peak of Mars’ Volcano Olympus Mons

A team of scientists recently discovered frozen water in an unlikely place on Mars.

ByKiona Smith

Can NASA's Mars Sample Return Program Be Saved? Some Experts Think So

The quest continues to bring pristine Mars rocks to Earth.

ByDoris Elín Urrutia

This Could Be the Hot New Place to Look for Life on Mars

Noctis Mons has hidden in plain sight for decades, and it may be the perfect home for alien life.

ByKiona Smith

Look! Mars Express Orbiter Took Photos Of Mars That Look Straight From Dune

The Red Planet is always on astronomers’ minds.

ByDoris Elín Urrutia
How to Save the Earth

If humans go to Mars, we need an Earth Flag — here’s why

Opinion: We are approaching the point when humans make the leap off Earth and onto other planets. When we get there, how will we represent ourselves?

ByOskar Pernefeldt
believe it

Mushrooms on Mars: A “modern Galileo” fights to prove alien life exists

“Our team is advancing science, but those who oppose us are anti-science.”

ByPassant Rabie
Reel Science

The best sci-fi western of 2021 reveals a problem with colonizing Mars

In 'Settlers,' humans achieve this dream and successfully manipulate the Martian atmosphere, but scientists say the method used in the movie isn’t exactly realistic.

ByTara Yarlagadda
Next in Tech

The Rocket That Could Take Humans to Mars Has Been 50 Years in the Making

Most of today’s rockets are chemical rockets, generating immense energy from chemical reactions. But if we want to go to Mars, we need nuclear energy.

ByRahul Rao

Earth-like clouds on Mars reveal a striking similarity between the planets

So different, and yet so alike.

ByJennifer Walter
Red Planet Rodeo

6 groundbreaking Mars missions that paved the way for Perseverance

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Liftoff!

ByJennifer Walter

Look: Mars helicopter 10th flight sets a new "aerial record"

ByRobin Bea
Art history

Behold! 5 real pictures of Mars that resemble artistic masterpieces

ByClaire Cameron
radio silence

7 minutes of terror: Here's how NASA's Perseverance rover will land on Mars

ByPassant Rabie

Was there ever life on Mars? The history of our hunt for extraterrestrials

Scientists are seeking signs of ancient life.

ByJoAnna Wendel

Is Venus a better candidate for human settlement than Mars?

ByJoAnna Wendel

See how the Mars Perseverance rover stacks up against sci-fi robots

ByPassant Rabie

Life on Mars: A scientist ranks 10 futuristic depictions of human colonies

From domed cities to aliens: What would life on the Red Planet actually look like?

ByJennifer Walter
Primordial soup

Look: Primitive cells could confirm Mars once hosted life

ByJennifer Walter
This week in science

Clouds on Mars and more: Understand the world through 9 images

ByRobin Bea
Mars ahoy

How SpaceX's Starship will take us to Mars and back

Elon Musk's behemoth rocket could help humans become a space-faring species

ByJoAnna Wendel
This week in science

Mars meteoroid strikes and more: Understand the world through 7 images

The cause of a 2021 marsquake has been found.

ByRobin Bea

Elon Musk timeline lays out Starship’s journey to Mars

ByJoAnna Wendel
Life on Mars

A virtual tour of Mars now — and of its possible future

ByRobin Bea

Look: 9 stunning images from Mars missions in 2022

Exploring the Red Planet, one dust storm at a time.

ByJennifer Walter
This Week in Science

Mars and beyond: Understand the world through 8 science images

ByRobin Bea
The drop

Mars 2020 rover landing: NASA images show expectations vs. reality

ByNick Lucchesi
safe and sound

This inflatable device could be the key to landing humans on Mars

ByJennifer Walter