The Future Of Week

Inverse Daily: The future of voting

You may have seen the photos by now.

by Greta Moran
Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images

As part of this week’s Future Of series, today we’ll be talking a bit about the future of voting. (Read Monday's about the future of transportation here).

You may have seen the photos by now: the voters with masks on waiting in a long line to vote in Wisconsin’s primary last week. What you haven’t seen are people not photographed — those who were unwilling to risk voting and possibly contracting a deadly virus. So, they stayed home. The New York Times put it well: voters must choose between their health and their civic duty.

This is an adapted version of the Inverse Daily newsletter for April 14, 2020. Subscribe for free and earn rewards for reading every day in your inbox.

The coronavirus is shaping the 2020 election in profound ways. Already, 16 states have postponed their primaries, the Democratic National Convention has been pushed back to August, and holding large-scale campaign events is impossible. Now, there’s a growing talk, especially among Democrats, of transitioning to a mail-in system of voting. Already, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington conduct elections by mail. While President Donald Trump has already fired back (aka tweeted) against this idea, claiming it would lead to fraud, there’s no evidence of this.

Yet, as an article in Vox notes, “There are some voters, such as Native Americans without easy access to the postal service and people experiencing homelessness, who may struggle to vote if a mail-in ballot is their only option,” so it’s important to also have polls open.

The Brennan Center has shared a list of other key ways to secure voting rights during the coronavirus, from expanding online registration, to creating more “voter drop boxes” in inaccessible locations. Of course, these options will also expand voting rights, even if the coronavirus wasn’t reshaping the election. In the longer term, there are more ways to ensure voting is protected, like ending gerrymandering, restoring the Voting Rights Act, and restoring the right to vote to those formerly incarcerated.

I’m Greta Moran, your interstellar guide to all of Inverse’s latest science and technology stories at Inverse Daily.

THE LATEST ON COVID-19Coronavirus resources from Inverse staffers

REWIND — Aerobic exercise — like jogging or swimming — may have a Benjamin Button-like effect on essential stem cells. In a new study, researchers tracked mice as they ran freely on a wheel and then analyzed running’s effect on their muscle stem cells and tissue recovery. The aerobic activity caused old cells in aging mice to behave more like — and gain the characteristics of — young cells.

If the research translates to humans, it means jogging, swimming, cycling, and other aerobic activities can help older people recover as quickly and efficiently as their younger selves. Far down the line, researchers aim to develop a drug that “de-ages” these essential stem cells, keeping people youthful for longer. I am here to inform you that the fountain of youth is, unfortunately, working out →

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A new study offers a comprehensive origin story for ‘Oumuamua, suggesting that it broke off from a planetary body that got too close to its host star. The study also suggests there could be thousands of similar objects floating around in space, and some of them could have even transported life between one star system to the other. Click here for the story of a doomed planetary body that got too close to its host star →

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CONTACT TRACING —Apple and Google are developing a new system that could make contact tracing better than ever. The two California-based firms are teaming up to use Bluetooth to help coronavirus patients inform others if they have been in contact with them during the infection period.

It bears similarities to a previous project announced at MIT. The system could help fight the disease in a smarter way, but the limitations of Bluetooth have led experts to suggest it won’t be the silver bullet some may hope. Read up on this very important method for understanding the spread of the coronavirus →

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YELLOW GOLD — Kidney disease affects 37 million people in the U.S. alone and leaves patients susceptible to infection or rejection after life-saving transplant surgery. To help catch these negative outcomes earlier, researchers have now used CRISPR to design a diagnostic tool to detect biomarkers of these viruses and rejections in patients’ urine.

On the science side, this test works by using CRISPR to isolate target DNA from the virus and amplify it so that even one molecule is enough for the test to recognize it. For the user, things are even simpler: a test strip dipped in a urine sample and evaluated by a custom-built smartphone app is enough to tell them definitely whether they have the virus or not.

In addition to helping identify these outcomes earlier, this test is also designed to be administered at home and could help patients regain autonomy over their health. Read more →

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DRUG DATA — There are still no FDA-approved drugs to treat coronavirus. But there are literally hundreds of trials happening around the world, all in pursuit of finding one.

Right now we’re testing former Ebola drugs, Japanese flu medications, HIV drugs, serum from COVID-19 survivors, new antiviral compounds, arthritis drugs, and malaria drugs, all in hopes of beating the virus. Right now, we don’t know which approach is likely to work best, but there are many different ways to go about destroying the virus before it destroys us, as one pharmacologist told me.

It’s hard to keep up with all the different drugs being tested, so it may be more helpful to think about what the drugs are supposed to do. Scientists are testing drugs that can stop SARS-Cov-2 from entering cells or stop it from replicating. They’re also testing drugs that target the immune system’s response to the virus or dismantle the very structure of the virus itself. Here are seven options we have on the table →

WATCH LIVE — Follow Inverse on Instagram and join our live show at 6 p.m. Eastern for a chat with Fight Club 3 author Chuck Palahniuk. Watch later here →

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