When Inverse joined Bustle Digital Group this summer, I soon learned that our stories on mind-expanding science, emerging technology, geek culture, and video games, would get a new look.
At several points during the next few months, I found myself raising my eyebrows at the story-telling facility our new site would possess, how forward-thinking -- and vertical! -- its design would be for mobile readers, and generally, how everything about Inverse 2.0 would help us keep our title as the coolest place to get smarter.
What's new about the new Inverse?
- Card stories. These are stories made for how most of us experience content online -- on our phones. Check out a few card stories here: an alien Earth, the rise of LEGO, and one on Rick and Morty.
- Engrossing longform design. We have deeply reported stories you won't find anywhere else, and our layout makes the most of them.
- This morning, I asked site designer Jack Koloskus to name his favorite thing about the new Inverse, and he narrowed it down to this: "I love the underlines on the links." Same.
This morning, Inverse is stocked with new stories that will tickle your brain. Here are a few that went live a few minutes ago...
- Coined: A new weekly series about video game slang. I think of it as "On Language" for a new generation. First up, "Grinding."
- The Singularity Awards: We polled 50 movie critics and film writers we love to determine the 105 best genre movies of the 2010s. Dive in to the data, read the essays, see the top 10.
- We explore the evocative world of Red Dead Redemption 2 fan art.
- Here are the seven most-anticipated video games of 2020.
- Celebrities: They're just like us! Corey Plante compiled this impressive guide to celebrities who play Dungeons & Dragons, and crucially, shares how it shaped their lives.
- The Muslim-European directors of Bad Boys for Life are living the American dream.
Mind & Body:
- The strange psychology of Reddit's r/roastme: Emma Betuel took a dive into the weirdest place to be intentionally wrecked online.
- The psychological reason why clothes can make or break you.
- How to choose a 2020 eating plan, based on science.
- Here are the games A.I. can win.
- Buyer beware: Here are the most-counterfeited products on Amazon.
- Here are the five technologies that could slow climate change.
- Five things we saw from CES that are so close to existing.
- Sex-swapping fish show what it means to be resilient.
- What would an alien Earth look like?
- Burn out: Ali Pattillo interviewed dozens of firefighters for this investigative feature into on its culture of ignoring its biggest problem.
- Here's how Malcolm in the Middle predicted toxic nerdom.
- Why Star Wars is so obsessed with Samurai.
- Nintendo's dominance, explained in five numbers.
That's a lot. But there's so much more from this incredible team of journalists and storytellers. Take a look around. Kick tires. And send any feedback to nick@inverse.com.
-- Nick Lucchesi
Executive Editor @ Inverse