Google's New Clips Camera Is Your Very Own A.I. Paparazzi
It'll either officially destroy or save the candid snap.

Anyone who has ever stressed out about capturing the perfect moment with their camera might want to breathe a little easier. Google has unveiled its new Clips camera, which uses its A.I. to figure out when is just the right time to start snapping photos.
Google Clips, which was introduced at the “Made By Google” event on Wednesday, is a 2-inch tall “smart camera” that basically serves as your personal paparazzo. Though there is an LED indicator light that glows when on, the filming occurs silently so as to not lose the authenticity of the moment. Clips takes both photos and short video bursts from which stills can be extracted.
“It’s like having a photographer shooting and saving the best moments for me,” said Google product manager Juston Payne as he introduced the product on Wednesday, going on to show off the result of him demoing the tech on his family.
Photos and clips taken of a Google employee's largely unsuspecting family.
Embodying the company’s new “A.I. first” approach to making new tech, the camera is equipped with facial recognition technology so that it can better learn who’s important to you. The company says Clips is trained to figure out when something worth capturing is happening and automatically begin recording.
For those worried about privacy, Google says that the data is stored encrypted on the device and that data can only be transferred to devices it is manually paired to. This is pretty much what keeps Clips from being used as a creepy spycam. That, and the fact it’s specifically being marketed to parents and pet owners.
“From the beginning, we’ve known privacy and control really matter,” Payne said. “Just like any point-and-shoot [camera], nothing leaves your device until you decide to save and share it.”
Google Clips is listed as out-of-stock on the company’s store, but you can join the waitlist for when they become available.
This Furbo camera lets you interact with your dog remotely. Check out this video to find out more.