Pet science

Does your cat love you? Can dogs talk to you? How does your pet improve mental health? Using scientific research, Inverse reports on the big questions that we have about our furry (or not) friends.

Pet Science

Can You Train Your Cat to Sit? It's Absurdly Easy With This Simple Trick

ByElana Spivack

Your cat can learn a whole host of skills.

Pet Science

Yes, You Can Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet — But Experts Warn of These Potential Consequences

ByElana Spivack

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Pet Science

The Forgotten, Evolutionary Reason Cats Love Being So High Up

ByElana Spivack

What seems like an accessory is really a necessity that caters to their instincts.

Pet Science

Can Dogs Benefit from Psychedelics? Here’s What the Latest Science Says

ByElana Spivack

There might be a catnip for dogs after all.

Pet Science

The Truth About Hypoallergenic Pets

ByElana Spivack

These popular pets aren’t guaranteed to be allergy-friendly.

Pet Science

Does Your Dog Know What a Baby Is? A Canine Expert Has a Surprising Answer

ByElana Spivack

Turns out your dog may not know a baby from a chew toy (yikes).

Pet Science

The Ideal Dog Name, According to Science, Is Not What You Think

ByElana Spivack

Your dog can learn the name Leia, or pretty much anything else.

Pet Science

This “Strange Thing” That Every Cat Has Under Its Belly Still Baffles Scientists

ByElana Spivack

It’s just a dramatic word for “floppy tum.”

Pet Science

This Common Household Cleaner Puts Puppies at Risk, a Veterinary Toxicologist Says

ByElana Spivack

Many cleaning products contain chemicals that, in large enough amounts, can be toxic to animals.

Pet Science

Should You Take Your Cat For a Walk? Shockingly, Yes

ByElana Spivack

But take baby steps.