Mind and Body

5 Best Grooming Products Every Man Should Have

Time for some self care? You can do this. Here are some necessaries to get you started.

by Christina Wood

Do you wait for the female in your life to leave so you can use her lotions? Do you use the same hair care products your Mom bought you in middle school? Do your deodorant and cologne make you smell like an old man? When was the last time you applied sunscreen?

Up your game a little. It’s your body. It’s not your moms. Lotion and sunscreen are not women’s products. If you don’t take care of your skin, it will start to look like something you don’t take care of. You take care of your car, right? And your cat? Take care of your skin and yourself.

Here are five products. Five! You can handle five products. Just put them in your cart and give this self-care thing a try.

Valley of Gold Natural Deodorant

Valley of Gold Natural Deodorant


A lot of the stuff they sell you to stop you from reeking like a guy who just did heavy labor in a polyester shirt is real bad for you. This Valley of Gold Natural Deodorant is not. The scent is intended to mingle with yours and create something more pleasant. It is not here to stop you from sweating.

So if you are cool with your human scent, enhance it a little and add some herbs and woodland aromas.

Shackleford Solid Cologne

Fulton & Roark Shackleford Solid Cologne


When do you wear cologne? Business trips? Dates? Dates when you are on vacation?

That’s why this Shackleford Solid Cologne is genius. Because half the time you want to wear cologne, you need it to be in a container that is less than 3 ounces so you can fly with it. And that means you have to have two bottles — one big, one small — of an expensive thing you rarely use. This is a solid so you can just pack it without worrying about any of that.

And it’s got a warm, wood-like scent that will make you smell yummy.

Also? Getting the right amount on your body is a lot easier this way than spraying.

La Roche-Posay Anthelios Cooling Water Lotion Sunscreen

La Roche-Posay Anthelios Cooling Water Lotion Sunscreen


If you only use one lotion, make it sunscreen. And make that sunscreen a good one. The sun will destroy your skin if you don’t. If you fail to apply sunscreen, you will absolutely regret it in ten years. Get this one. It’s the best. It’s got an SPF of 60. It blocks all the kinds of sun and it’s a little bit waterproof so you don’t have to think about it all day. It goes on watery and smooth and then disappears. It’s not a hard habit to start and future you will be glad you did.

Yes To Coconut Hydrate & Restore Ultra Light Spray Body Lotion

Yes To Coconut Hydrate & Restore Ultra Light Spray Body Lotion


If you want a lotion — for your hands, feet, or any part of you that feels painfully dry sometimes — and you don’t want it to smell girly cost too much money, this one is great. It’s in a spray bottle and it goes on very light. If you need more moisture because you worked your hands to death and they need a repair, add more. But it will never sit on your skin making your hands all slippery while it soaks in. It’s all natural and it smells like coconut.

It’s also a nice big bottle so you won’t have to think about this again for a long time.

The Seaweed Bath Co. Exfoliating Detox Body Soap

The Seaweed Bath Co. Exfoliating Detox Body Soap


Leave the floral scents alone. This soap smells like coffee because it has Arabica coffee and cinnamon in it. Those are both great skin detoxers. And your shower will be an aromatherapy experience rather than just a chore when you scrub up with this. It also has all kinds of good things in it for your skin that come from the ocean off the coast of Maine. That grocery store bar you have been using cannot compete with this experience.

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