The Way

The Mandalorian video game rumors, speculation, and reality

Fans are hungry for a video game based on Disney's hit Star Wars series.

by Giovanni Colantonio

It’s a Mandalorian’s world and we’re just living in it. Disney’s hit Star Wars spinoff has reignited fans’ love of the franchise following a polarizing sequel trilogy. With the TV show as popular as it is, some feel like it’s only a matter of time until a Mandalorian video game is announced.

While nothing’s set in stone, that hasn’t stopped fans from reading into every little detail they can find. Offhand speculation tends to morph into fact when we’re desperately looking for confirmation. To help keep expectations in check, here’s everything we know about a possible Mandalorian video game, including reasons why the idea isn’t quite a pipe dream.

Is The Mandalorian video game confirmed?

No, but that hasn’t stopped fans from starting the hype train already. A desire for the game really went into high gear when God of War game director Cory Barlog tweeted, “If someone isn’t working on a great single player Mandalorian game where you play a bounty hunter flying your ship from system to system picking up bounties, upgrading your Beskar armor and getting into adventures then I really don’t know what the hell we are doing here.”

The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda, and the Frog Lady aboard Mando's ship.


While there’s no news on a project, that was enough to send fans into a frenzy. The biggest bit of fuel came from Bloomberg games reporter Jason Schreier, who offered some speculation about the project when asked if the canceled Star Wars 1313 game would get a revival.

“What's far more likely is that Lucasfilm kicks off a bunch of new Star Wars games, including maybe even one about a bounty hunter,” Schreier tweeted.

While Schreier often provides inside information about the video game industry, his tweet shouldn’t be taken as anything more than an educated guess for now.

When is The Mandalorian video game release date?

There isn’t one and you shouldn’t expect it for a few years if the project is quietly in the works. The Mandalorian is still a relatively new show with its first seasons debuting in 2019. Even if Disney had started work on development alongside the show, it’s hard to imagine a game would even be ready by 2022 unless something’s been in the works even longer.

With Disney opening up the Star Wars license to other developers, it’s possible that someone could start working on a game soon, putting this hypothetical game many years out.

Is there a trailer for The Mandalorian video game?

Absolutely not! However, something like that could be much closer than we realize. With Lucasfilm Games putting out vague trailers for upcoming projects like its Indiana Jones game, it’s entirely possible that we see some sort of title splash revealing that a game is in development, even if it’s still years away.

Is The Mandalorian game a reworked Star Wars 1313?

The big thought on everyone’s mind right now is whether or not a Mandalorian game might be connected to EA’s canceled Star Wars 1313 project. Star Wars 1313 was supposed to be an ambitious action game featuring Boba Fett. The project stalled out after Uncharted director Amy Hennig left the company and Disney shut down its LucasArts brand.

The Boba Fett connection has some fans hopeful that Disney will simply revive Star Wars 1313 and retrofit it into a Mandalorian game. In reality, that’s extremely unlikely to happen. The project has been dormant for years and Disney just broke its Star Wars exclusivity deal with EA. If a Mandalorian game were to come together, it’s possible that EA wouldn’t be involved with it at all, making it unlikely that anything from Star Wars 1313 would be recycled for a new game.

Is there hope for a Mandalorian video game?

Frankly, it would be ludicrous for Disney to not make one. The show is immensely popular and the subject matter already lends itself well to a game format (the show itself sometimes feels like a video game).

Beyond our educated guesses, there’s one thing that makes this especially possible: the Unreal Engine. Disney actually utilizes the video game engine to make special effects for the show. Because of that, there’s a possibility that some assets are already built that could be reused for a game. If that’s the case, development on a game could move a little bit faster than expected if a studio opts to keep that framework.

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