Where to find the missing child in Skyward Sword
Kukiel is missing, and you must find her.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD has finally arrived on Nintendo Switch, and many players are finally getting their chance to see the first chapter on Link’s timeline. On the much larger quest to rescue Princess Zelda, one of the game’s first sidequests involves a mother in search of her missing child, a girl named Kukiel. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to find her to receive five Gratitude Crystals for your efforts.
Meet the missing child’s mother
After finishing the Skyview Temple, you’ll find a woman with short hair named Wryna standing close to the entrance of the area with the Statue of the Goddess in Skyloft. Talk to her, and she’ll reveal that her daughter Kukiel has gone missing. When asked, accept the quest.
This missing child quest can be found just outside the Statue of the Goddess in Skyloft.
Next, head to the area just outside the graveyard in the southeast corner of Skyloft. You’ll see the arranged headstones on your map.
Orielle can be found here, just outside the cemetery.
You should see a woman named Orielle with long hair and a white top. She’ll ask if you’ve heard of the missing child. Tell her you have indeed heard of her, and Orielle will mention a loony old man at the Lumpy Pumpkin who often rants about monsters.
This is what Orielle looks like.
Talk to Rusta
With that newfound intel, jump off the ledge above the gravestones and board your Loftwing. Pilot toward the small island southeast of Link’s current position labeled Pumpkin Landing. Once you’ve arrived, head inside the central building, the Lumpy Pumpkin.
In the room off to your left you’ll see a bearded man with a thought bubble over his head. He’ll ask you if you’ve heard of the Skyloft Monster and if you want to know why he knows about it. Say “yup.” He’ll suggest he saw the monster tap a gravestone near the tree in the cemetery in the middle of the night and it lit up. The monster then pushed the stone to reveal a nearby door.
Meet Batreaux
To find the missing child. That’s precisely what you need to do. Head back to Skyloft and sleep in any available bed till night. In the cover of darkness, go back to the cemetery and roll into the gravestone closest to the large tree. The stone will light up. Once it does, you should be able to push it to open a wooden door behind you.
Roll into this gravestone to open the door.
Take the ladder down, walk on the wood plank path, and you’ll hear a scream from behind a doorway. Enter, and you’ll see what looks like a terrifying monster. Just whack it once and the creature, called Batreaux, will cower in fear. Eventually he’ll ask you to gather Gratitude Crystals and show them to him. Tell him you will and then talk to Kukiel, who’s standing nearby. After that, leave her with Batreaux and go sleep in a bed till morning.
Return to Wyrna
In the morning, go to Kukiel’s house, which is nestled between the lake area and the Skyloft Bazaar.
Here’s the location for Kukiel’s house. Go here to get five Gratitude Crystals.
Go in, talk to Wryna, and you’ll complete the quest for the reward of five Gratitude Crystals.
What are Gratitude Crystals?
Skyward Sword features 80 total Gratitude Crystals, earned by completing sidequests throughout the game, just like this one. Bring them to Batreaux, and he’ll offer upgrades for your wallet, satchels, and Adventure Pouch.