How to Track Your Nighttime Habits With Pokémon Sleep
Catching Pokémon has never been easier.

Several years after its initial announcement, Pokémon Sleep is finally here. The free-to-play app tracks your sleep with a Pokémon twist, offering various rewards while you rest. It has many of the Pokémon staples you’d expect, from collecting and raising creatures, to cooking, along with recording your sleep habits.
Getting it working can be a little confusing, especially if you make use of the new, optional Pokémon Go Plus+ device. Below is everything you’ll need to know to start tracking your sleep with a smartphone or the Pokémon Go Plus+ in Pokémon Sleep.
How to Track Your Sleep With a Smartphone
Pokémon Sleep is compatible with iOS and Android smartphones. Players will need Android 7 or later, or iPhone 7 or later (updated to at least iOS 14). The app is not optimized for use with tablets. To track sleep using a compatible device, players need to download the latest version of Pokémon Sleep.
Once you’ve done so and are ready to sleep, set your bedtime within Pokémon Sleep, and make sure your phone is plugged in, since you’ll need to leave the app open overnight. Flip your phone face down and place it near your body so the app can track your sleep effectively. Try to place it close enough to your body so it doesn’t detect another person’s sleep instead.
After you’ve woken up, you’ll need to end the sleep session on the app to view the results and earn rewards. Once you get it going, it’s straightforward but getting it set up can be a bit of a pain.
How to Track Your Sleep With Pokémon Go Plus+
Alternatively, you can utilize the Pokémon Go Plus+ device with Pokémon Sleep, which has its own benefits over simply using your phone. The device costs $55 but can track your sleep without relying solely on your smartphone. It also has other benefits and even works with Pokémon Go. Whether or not it’s worth it will depend on you, but it certainly yields more benefits if you’re a Pokémon Go player.
To use the Pokémon Go Plus+ device with Pokémon Sleep, first, make sure it’s charged and powered on. Then, open up the Pokémon Sleep app, and tap the “Main Menu” button from the bottom of the screen. Then tap the “Settings and More” button.
Under the Pokémon Go Plus+ section, you’ll see the option to “Pair a Device.” Tap that, press “Pair Device,” and then press the main button on the Pokémon Go Plus+. You’ll want to make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone.
Using the Pokémon Go Plus+ gives you access to a special Pikachu that will help you raise Snorlax.
After a few moments, the device will pair with your smartphone and you’ll then be able to start tracking your sleep with it. Hold the main button on the device until the light flashes blue to start tracking your sleep. After you wake up, hold the button again to end the session.
The main benefit of using the Pokémon Go Plus+ is that it allows you to continue utilizing your smartphone while your sleep session is active. It’s also smaller than a smartphone, so it won’t take up as much room on your bed. The Pokémon Go Plus+ also gives you access to a cute Pikachu that will help you raise Snorlax. Likewise, the Pikchau can sing you lullabies while you sleep.
Pokémon Sleep is available now for iOS and Android.
This article was originally published on