How to use Rescue Team Camps in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX
Make sure you can accommodate Legendary pals!

Catching the best Pokémon in the world has never been an easy feat. In mainline games, some Pokémon require special conditions, events, or they just rarely spawn. In the spin-off game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX, finding and capturing Pokémon isn't that difficult, but it’s nearly impossible to make sure a critter stays on your team unless you have the proper Rescue Team Camp.
What are these elusive camps? How do you choose the right one? What does a camp cost?
What is a Rescue Team Camp in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX?
Rescue Team Camps are lodgings for Pokémon that you recruit on your journey. Instead of storing Pokémon in PC boxes like in the main series, Mystery Dungeon DX has them live in actual houses. From a practical standpoint, the storage space is smaller and only specific Pokémon can stay in each type of Rescue Team Camp.
Rescue Team Camps used to ensure that a Pokémon stays with you after finishing a mission. If you’re able to recruit a Pokémon but lack the proper lodgings, that Pokémon will leave after the mission is completed. Unfortunately, this also applies to rarer Pokémon such as Shinies and Legendary Pokémon. It’s crucial to unlock as many Rescue Team Camps as you can while progressing through the story.
Additionally, if you physically visit your Rescue Team Camps by taking the west road from your home, they may be used to strengthen recruited Pokémon.
Talkin camps with Wigglytuff
How do you get more Rescue Team Camps in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX?
Wigglytuff, who will introduce the concept of Camps following your mission on Mt. Steel, sells Rescue Team Camps, essentially making them some kind of real estate broker. Most camps in Wigglytuff's inventory will be available from day one, so just buy as many as you can to make sure every Pokémon becomes yours. If you've seen a Pokémon that you want to capture, you can search Wigglytuff's camp inventory by Pokémon. A second wave intended to house Pokémon found during post-game adventures will be added after you beat the game, so be sure to visit Wigglytuff once again after you complete the main story.
Be warned, while most Legendary and Mythical Pokémon have a camp specific to them that’s unlocked upon recruiting them, a handful do require that you purchase a specific camp before defeating the Pokémon. Otherwise, they’ll flee post-battle and you won't be able to capture them. Camps may also make certain legendary Pokémon captures easier, so it's important to purchase them all ASAP.
Wigglytuff's money moves
Which Pokémon Rescue Camps are essential?
Assuming you want to capture Legendary Pokémon, making the camps that will eventually store them becomes essential. Here's a quick rundown of the most important and expensive camps you'll need to capture some of the best Pokémon in the game
Mt. Moonview Camp — This camp is needed to recruit Jirachi and can be purchased from Wigglytuff’s store after completing Mt. Steel for 7000p
Ancient Relic Camp — This camp is needed to recruit Regirock, Regice, and Registeel and can be purchased from Wigglytuff’s store after completing Mt. Steel for 700p. With that low a price, you really have no reason not to buy it.
Final Island Camp — This camp is needed to recruit Mew and can be purchased from Wigglytuff’s store for 8500p after completing the main game.
Southern Island Camp — This camp is needed to recruit Latios and Latias. It can be purchased from Wigglytuff’s store for 9500p after completing the main game.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX is now available for Nintendo Switch.