Everything you need to know about Overwatch''s 2020 anniversary event
Every cosmetic and special game mode returns for the annual celebration, but these new skins are the best part.
It's hard to believe that four years have passed since Overwatch's monumental release, but another anniversary event is here to remind us with another all-encompassing annual celebration of Blizzard's beloved hero shooter. The 2020 anniversary event comes with some unique skins, including skins and other cosmetics you may have missed from previous events, along with PvE activities and much more.
If you plan on diving back into Overwatch during this event to celebrate its anniversary, here's everything worth knowing about it.
Overwatch 2020 Anniversary event release date, start time, and end date
Overwatch's new anniversary event will kick off on Tuesday, May 19. The event will technically start a couple of days before the game's true anniversary, which is May 24, because Blizzard always updates the game on a Tuesday rather than a Sunday. A specific start time hasn't been officially confirmed, but most updates and events begin around 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern, so it's likely that this anniversary celebration will follow suit.
Like previous Overwatch anniversary events, the 2020 installment will be available in-game for about three weeks. Trailers for the event confirm it will end on June 9, 2020. That gives who plenty of time to reap this event's rewards, which are definitely worth it.
Overwatch's anniversary event will let you get skins from past holiday events.
What new skins are coming with Overwatch anniversary 2020?
Like any Overwatch event, this anniversary celebration will come with some unique skins. So far, Overwatch's official accounts have revealed an awesome-looking Dragoon Mercy skin, an Aztec-inspired Huitzilopochtli Zenyatta skin, a fancy Masquerade Reaper skin, and the funny fairy tale inspired Little Red Ashe skins. These are all of the Legendary-tier cosmetics.
A May 12 report from Dot Esports on leaked patch notes for the anniversary update also lists "Carbon Fiber Sigma, Fleur de Lis Widowmaker, and Masked Man McCree" as Epic skins tied to the event. Most of the new skins look like stylish innovations rather than just reskins of familiar outfits, which should definitely motivate players to dip back into the game for the chance to acquire them.
Also important to note: the Overwatch anniversary events is one of the only times of year when players can buy items from past events with credits. So if you really liked a skin from an event such as Halloween Terror 2019 but weren't able to get it, you should be able buy it during this anniversary event if you have enough of the in-game currency.
Will there be any new Overwatch 2020 anniversary game modes?
As of now, no new modes appear will be added to this Overwatch anniversary. A leaked description for the event does reveal what's special about this upcoming celebration: "Relive the thrill of previous seasonal brawls in the Arcade, with a brawl of the day rotating throughout the anniversary celebration." It's also safe to expect some new weekly challenges to get skins and credits.
Players who only care about the competitive side may not find much to love here, but those who like new skins or nostalgic for past events will find a lot to enjoy. This has the potential to be the last anniversary event before Overwatch 2, and it's a pretty decent note to go out on.