Game Guides

Avoid the devastating Outriders Old Powers quest bug in 4 easy steps

Old Powers, new problems.

by Just Lunning
Originally Published: 

Outriders has become a gaming goliath. As the newest IP on the sci-fi market, the game has been making waves, acting as a great option for lapsed Destiny players and other shooter aficionados. You can play as one of four amazing classes, and within each, you can customize your character’s skillset to suit your playstyle.

Alas, the new shooter has fallen prey to a classic gaming issue: bugs. During the quest titled “Old Powers,” players have had their progress blocked, but luckily there’s an easy fix.

Here’s what you need to know about the Old Powers bug.

What is the Outriders Old Powers quest bug?

The Old Powers bug comes from a tracking issue. At one point in the quest, your progress will be blocked by a fallen tree. The game will tell you that you have to pass the tree, somehow, with the line leading to your objective going under the tree. Unfortunately, the tree is unable to be used as cover, meaning you can’t mount it. You’re also unable to get crouch underneath the tree to get through. So how do you get through the tree?

The gamebreaking Outriders Old Powers bug in action.

People Can Fly / Eipok_Kruden

You can’t.

The tree is impossible to pass. You shouldn’t even be told to try going through it. This is a tracking bug that makes the game believe there’s a way through the tree when in reality, there isn’t.

How do you avoid the Outriders Old Powers bug?

Even with the bug, there’s still a job for you to complete, Outrider. You need to get past that tree to complete your mission! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Place your person at the nearby travel flag. Once there, face the stairs. Your map will mark you as facing the overgrown statue area.
  2. On your left, you’ll see the Hidden Ruins Obelisk.
  3. Now turn your back on the Overgrown Statue. Move towards the river and head right. Lean in tightly towards the right wall. You’ll now see the Spire Courtyard Obelisk.
  4. Your back will now be facing the Overgrown Statue. Go to the river and head to the left, again leaning in tightly towards the left wall. You’ll finally reach the Valley Ruins Obelisk, completing the objective.

Anyone can avoid an annoying game-breaking bug with the right directions.

What are the Old Powers rewards in Outriders?

You’ve beaten the odds, besting a game-breaking bug and an in-game tree. For your troubles, you’ll receive two rewards that will surely make your day:

  • 1000 experience
  • One random piece of Epic Equipment

Isn’t that certainly worth going through all this game-breaking shenanigans?

Read next: One Outriders Technomancer build nearly breaks the game

This article was originally published on

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