GTA 6 announcement clue revealed by Take-Two CEO
The CEO of Rockstar's parent company gave an update on how GTA 6 will be revealed.

Grand Theft Auto 6 still isn't officially announced.
It seems safe to assume that GTA 6 will be the next title from Rockstar Games. Red Dead Redemption 2 was released back in October 2018. Despite the fact that a variety of rumors and reports mentioning GTA 6 have emerged over the last couple of years, Rockstar has stayed completely silent on the game. Anticipation has even gotten to the point where players think a piece of key art for a car is a GTA 6 clue.
During Morgan Stanley's Technology, Media, and Telecom Conference in early March 2021, Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick provided an update on how the reveal of the next Grand Theft Auto game would take place. While his comments don't bring a specific window into question, they have made Inverse reflect on how Rockstar's last two games were revealed.
When asked about GTA 6, Zelnick dodged the question and put the ball in Rockstar's court for any official game reveals. "Rockstar hasn't announced any new titles for the market, and when there's an announcement to be made, it'll come from Rockstar," he said.
Rockstar is one of Take-Two's most lucrative video game developers, so curious fans and investors alike want to know what Rockstar is doing next. For now, Zelnick is okay with staying tight-lipped about whatever Rockstar is working on and waiting until Rockstar is ready to unveil it.
Take-Two and Rockstar probably don't want to reveal the game too early, and know that staying secretive about the game will still build up tons of speculation and hype. While Zelnick's comments don't change much, they do make one think about how Rockstar could actually go about unveiling its next game.
To do that, we can look at how Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto V were revealed.
How were Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5 revealed?
Both GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 were revealed over Twitter about two years before their respective release dates. In October 2011, Rockstar games tweeted "#GTAV" and updated the company's website to show the game's logo, according to GameSpot. Then, they released a reveal trailer in November 2011. The game would ultimately release in September 2013.
A teaser image for Red Dead Redemption 2 was released on Twitter in October 2016 before the game was confirmed a couple of days later. Red Dead Redemption 2 would get several more trailers before it finally released in November 2018.
It seems like a GTA 6 reveal would come two years before its release, but keep in mind that GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 were both subject to multiple delays. GTA 5 was pushed back from Q2 2013 to September, and Red Dead Redemption 2 was supposed to come out in fall 2017 and got delayed multiple times.
Rockstar may have learned from these rampant delays and will only want to reveal the game when it's ready, as Zelnick suggests. With the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and a less crunch-heavy development cycle and scope looming over the team's heads, it's impossible to say when exactly a reveal will finally take place and if it will fall in line with Rockstar's previous announcements.
It's also possible that Rockstar's marketing team chooses not to reveal the game in this way and do it through some clever ARG or just by dropping a surprise announcement. No matter what they decide, the announcement of GTA 6 is bound to be the biggest video game news of the month whenever it finally happens.
GTA 6 is reportedly in development.
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