Everything you need to know about Genshin Impact Version 2.0
Skoot to Inazuma!

Evolution is the key to survival. Everyone and everything needs to evolve or perish. Genshin Impact is no exception. With the latest update, Genshin Impact Version 2.0, you’ll be able to witness the evolution of Genshin Impact. The hotly anticipated Inazuma region inspired by Japan will be added to the game in Version 2.0. This will come with an expansion to the main story and plenty of other quality of life additions.
Here’s everything we know about Genshin Impact Version 2.0.
When is the Genshin Impact Version 2.0 release date?
Genshin Impact Version 2.0 will be available on July 20, 2021.
Is there a Genshin Impact Version 2.0 trailer?
You better believe there’s a trailer for it. You can watch it right here.
In the trailer, we get a full overview of Inazuma and its narrative themes. The sneak peek opens by providing Inazuma’s nickname: the Nation of Eternity. What this means isn’t expanded upon, but we can assume that it means Inazuma will persist forever, maybe?
We get an overview of Inazuma’s landscape and see the Traveler gain new Electro elemental abilities. We then see more landscapes and characters in Inazuma. The Traveler is also seen drowning, but it’s unclear to what extent this is a legitimate threat to their life.
As the trailer continues, the pace slows. We hear a new character, Yae Miko, speak. It then transitions through a series of character shots for the new Inazuma additions like Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Sayu. We get a look at Inazuma’s story, which focuses on the conflict between Raiden Shogun and the Resistance aiming to defeat her. The trailer concludes with a detailed overview of the Traveler’s new abilities.
What is Genshin Impact Version 2.0’s Inazuma region?
In case you’re unaware, Inazuma is the third region to be added to Genshin Impact. It’s equal in scale to the others like Mondstadt and Liyue. Version 2.0 houses three islands from Inazuma out of a total of six that are currently planned. It’s a Japanese-inspired nation that will advance the story of Genshin Impact.
Traversal of Inazuma will require the Waverider, the aquatic vehicle first seen in Version 1.6.
Being a new region, it’ll bring additional domains, collectibles, and more. You’ll be able to upgrade your Traveler as well. They’ll get a new Electro element, letting you do damage and solve puzzles in a whole new way.
Without a doubt, Inazuma is the biggest Genshin Impact update ever.
What are the Genshin Impact Version 2.0 character banners?
The Version 2.0 Banners
The first banner will feature the Cyro Five-star sword wielder, Ayaka. She’ll be followed by a banner featuring Yoimiya, a five-star Pyro Bow user, and Sayu, a four-star Anemo Claymore user.
It’s currently unknown what other four-star characters will populate these banners.
What is Cross-Save in Genshin Impact Version 2.0?
Cross-Save will allow you to play on the same account and share progression between PlayStation Consoles, PC, and Mobile devices. This means you’ll never be without a device that can play Genshin Impact.
It will be available with the launch of Genshin Impact Version 2.0.
What other additions will be in Genshin Impact Version 2.0?
In addition to everything else available in Version 2.0, there will be some changes to the weapon banner. It’s now a little easier to obtain a 5* weapon of your choice.
You will also be able to plant produce needed for increasing ascensions and talent materials. This will let you grow them passively as you play, providing a literal farming system to Genshin Impact.