items to farm
for Hu Tao

'Genshin Impact' Hu Tao Banner: 7 items to farm before her Version 2.2 re-run
Hu Tao is expected to get a rerun in 'Genshin Impact' Version 2.2. Ahead of the update, this is everything you'll need to make her your strongest character.
by Just LunningIt’s time to greatly enhance your Genshin Impact party. Hu Tao is one of the best DPS available in Genshin Impact. According to some data miners, she might be getting a rerun in the Genshin Impact Version 2.2 update, which becomes available on October 12, 2021. Before the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor boss returns, it’s imperative that you farm the seven materials needed to upgrade her Ascension and Talent Levels. If you do, you’ll be able to immediately add Hu Tao to your party if you’re able to pull her.
Genshin Impact Hu Tao Ascension and Talent materials
According to a recently updated Reddit graphic, upgrading Hu Tao's talents requires "Diligence" talent books, Nectar-themed items, three Crowns of Insight, and Shard of a Foul Legacy. Meanwhile, to ascend Hu Tao and unlock her level caps, you'll need a mix of Agnidus Agate, Juvenile Jade (or Everflame Seeds, depending on how the update pans out), Silk Flowers, and again Nectar-themed items.
Upgrade materials needed for Hu Tao.
To ascend Hu Tao and unlock her level caps, you need the following items:
- Agnidus Agate
- Juvenile Jade
- Silk Flowers
- Whopperflower Nectar
Upgrading Hu Tao’s talents requires these items:
- Whopperflower Nectar
- "Diligence" talent books
- Crowns of Insight
- Shard of a Foul Legacy
Here’s how you can collect nearly everything right now.
Genshin Impact Agnidus Agate locations
Hu Tao is a Pyro character, therefore she needs numerous Agnidus Agate for Ascensions. You can farm these items by defeating the Pyro Regisvine or Primo Geovishap in Liyue.
In Mondstadt, You can also gain it as a drop from the weekly Wolf of the North boss fight. In Inazuma, you’re able to farm the item by defeating the Pyro Hypostasis or the Narukami Island: Tenshaku domain.
Agnidus Agate can be purchased in small sums from souvenir shops in Liyue and Mondstadt.
Hu Tao requires one sliver, nine fragments, nine chunks, and six gemstones. If have any overflow, all Agnidus Agate can be crafted into higher levels using an Elemental Alchemy station.
Genshin Impact Juvenile Jade location
You can obtain Juvenile Jade by defeating the Primo Geovishap in Tianqiu Valley, Liyue. You’ll obtain one to three Juvenile Jade for every victory. Hu Tao requires 46 Juvenile Jades in total.
Genshin Impact Silk Flower locations
Hu Tao requests the seldom-used Silk Flowers as her Ascension item. You can acquire the floral item using a few methods. The easiest way is to just buy them from Liyue locals. You can purchase up to five of them from both Ms. Bai in Qingce Village and Verr Goldet at the Wangshu Inn. Ms. Bai and Verr Goldet's stock will refresh every three and two days, respectively.
If you're a bit more eager to get your hands on Silk Flowers, you can harvest them yourself. They can be found in Liyue Harbor's Yujing Terrace, the same area where Glaze Lilies spawn. You may also find an abundance of Silk Flowers directly surrounding the Wangshu Inn area.
Genshin Impact Whopperflower Nectar locations
Hu Tao needs Whopperflower Nectar, Shimmering Nectar, and Energy Nectar. Nectar is used both for increasing talent level and ascending her level cap.
You can find all Nectar variants by killing Whopperflowers. Whopperflower Nectar is dropped by any slain slime, Shimmering Nectar is dropped by Whopperflowers at level 40 or higher, and Energy Nectar is dropped by Whopperflowers that are level 60 and higher.
There's no singular location in Teyvat that you can attend for all your Whopperflower needs. However, you can pinpoint a nearby Whopperflower using your Adventure's Handbook, by selecting the creature as a tracking target.
Genshin Impact "Diligence" talent book locations
Hu Tao needs "Diligence" series talent books for her abilities.
This series consists of Teachings of "Diligence," Guide to "Diligence," and Philosophies of "Diligence." All three can be obtained as drops from the Taishan Mansion domain located by Jueyun Karst in Liyue. You first need to be Adventure Rank 26 to access the domain and you need to visit the mansion on Tuesday or Friday or Sunday to secure the drops.
For specific numbers, Hu Tao requires nine Teachings of "Diligence," 63 Guide to "Diligence," and 114 Philosophies of "Diligence."
Genshin Impact Crown of Insight locations
A Crown of Insight is required to max out every single late-level talent in Genshin Impact, and that includes Hu Tao. Alas, you cannot farm the Crown of Insight at a controlled pace. It's primarily acquired through events at a rate of around one Crown per event.
If you can’t wait for another event, you can also nab a Crown of Insight by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine to level 11 or by increasing the level of your Sacred Sakura’s Favor in Inazuma. The Sacred Sakura currently unlocks Crowns of Insight at levels 5, 15, and 25.
Genshin Impact Shard of a Fowl Legacy location
Hu Tao needs 18 Shard of a Fowl Legacy to max out his talents. This begins being required at Talent level six. You can acquire Shard of a Fowl Legacy by defeating Tartaglia in the Enter the Golden House Trounce Domain when set to level 70 or higher.
The domain becomes available after completing Chapter 1, Act 3: "A New Star Approaches." You can challenge the domain once per week with the reset occurring on Monday at 4 a.m. Eastern.
Genshin Impact Version 2.2 will be available on October 12
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