items to farm for Aloy ASAP

5 items to farm now for Aloy's arrival in 'Genshin Impact'
The archer will be free for all players.
by Just LunningTake aim! Horizon Forbidden West and Genshin Impact are teaming up for an unexpected crossover. Aloy is arriving in Genshin Impact soon. The mechanical beast hunter will be available for free as a five-star Cryo bow user during Version 2.1 for PlayStation users, and version 2.2 for players on other platforms.
Aloy will first be available in Genshin Impact Version 2.1, which is expected to launch on North American servers on August 31. This assumes developer miHoyo keeps to its typical six-week update schedule.
You can start collecting essential materials for maxing out Aloy’s Ascension and Talent levels right now. Here’s everything you can farm now, along with everything we know about the new items due to roll out in Version 2.1.
What are Aloy's upgrade items in Genshin Impact?
All of Aloy’s upgrade materials in Genshin Impact.
According to the beta test server, to ascend Aloy and unlock her level caps, you'll need a mix of the following:
- Shiva Jade
- Crystalline Bloom
- Crystal Marrow
- Spectre-themed items
Upgrading Aloy’s talents will require the following items:
- “Freedom” talent books
- Spectre-themed items
- Three Crowns of Insight
- A new, unnamed boss drop item
Where can you farm Shiva Jade in Genshin Impact?
Aloy is a Cryo character, meaning she needs Shiva Jade for her Ascensions. You can farm these items by defeating the Cryo Regisvine in Mondstadt. Shiva Jade can also be purchased in small sums from souvenir shops in Liyue and Mondstadt. On occasion, you'll receive Shiva Jade for defeating the Wolf of the North. Shiva Jade can be purchased in small sums from souvenir shops in Liyue and Mondstadt.
Aloy requires one sliver, nine fragments, nine chunks, and six gemstones. If have any overflow, all Shiva Jade can be crafted into higher levels using a Crafting Bench. Aloy requires 46 total Shiva Jades to be maxed out.
Where can you farm Crystalline Bloom in Genshin Impact?
You can obtain Crystalline Bloom by defeating the Cryo Hypostasis in Dragonspine. You’ll get 1-3 Crystalline Bloom for every victory over the Cryo Hypostasis.
Where can you farm Crystal Marrow in Genshin Impact?
Crystal Marrow is a new item in Version 2.0. You can find it with ease on Tatarasuna and Yashiori Island. It’s has a purple and white hue. You can see it jutting out of most structures on the two islands. To quickly farm the material, watch the below video for farming routes.
Where can you farm Spectre-themed items in Genshin Impact?
You cannot currently farm Spectre-themed items in Genshin Impact. They won’t be added to the game until Version 2.1. You’ll be able to defeat them as overworld enemies once the update arrives.
Where can you farm “Freedom” talent books in Genshin Impact?
You're going to need numerous books from the "Freedom" series of talent books to max out Aloy's talents.
This series consists of Teachings of "Freedom," Guide to "Freedom," and Philosophies of "Freedom." You can find all three as drops from the Forsaken Rift domain located in Mondstadt by Springvale. You first need to be Adventure Rank 27 to access the domain and you need to visit the Rift on Monday or Thursday or Sunday to secure the drops.
For specific numbers, Aloy requires nine Teachings of "Freedom," Guide to "Freedom," and 114 Philosophies of "Freedom."
Where can you farm the Crown of Insight in Genshin Impact?
A Crown of Insight is required to max out every single late-level talent in Genshin Impact. Of course, that includes Aloy. Alas, you cannot farm the Crown of Insight at a controlled pace. It's primarily acquired through events at a rate of around one Crown per event.
If you can’t wait for another event, you can also nab a Crown of Insight by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine to level 11 or by increasing the level of your Sacred Sakura’s Favor in Inazuma. The Sacred Sakura currently unlocks Crowns of Insight at levels 5, 15, and 25.
What is Aloy’s boss item in Genshin Impact?
There’s a new red flower item coming in Genshin Impact Version 2.1. It’s an essential material for maxing out Aloy’s talents. Once Version 2.1 arrives, you’ll be able to farm the item by defeating the new weekly boss.