Everything you need to know about Genshin Impact's Albedo banner
Abide by the Albedo.

Zhongli's debut was a disaster. Genshin Impact's latest five-star Geo character was mired in minor controversy when he released. Some fans claimed that he wasn't what they expected from a high-profile Geo hero. Developer miHoYo is back on the horse prepping another character to entice players in the form of the sword-user Albedo.
Is it worth spending your hard-earned Primogems on this earthly bishonen? Can the pretty boy also throw a pretty good punch?
This is everything you need to know about the Albedo banner.
What is the Genshin Impact Albedo banner start time and end time?
We don't yet have an exact start and end time. What we know is that the Albedo banner will debut with the 1.2 update on December 22 and conclude on January 12.
What characters are featured on the Genshin Impact Albedo banner?
Albedo will be the new five-star character for Genshin Impact version 1.2. He'll be joined by three four-star characters – the Electro archer Fischl, the Pyro swordsman Bennett, and the Anemo alchemist Sucrose.
Are you guaranteed to get Albedo in Genshin Impact?
Not quite. You're not guaranteed to get Albedo immediately if you pull from the Albedo banner. Luckily, Genshin Impact does feature a mercy system. If you conduct 89 attempts without getting a five-star reward, you're guaranteed a five-star item on your ninetieth pull. The guaranteed five-star item has a 50 percent chance to be Albedo. If that wasn't Albedo, your next five-star has a 100 percent chance to be the character you desire. This means you'll have to make 180 wishes at most to get Albedo but it likely won't be that high.
If you participated in a previous event banner without earning a five-star character, your progress will carry over to the Albedo banner.
Is Albedo a good character in Genshin Impact?
From what we know so far, Albedo is a fairly middle of the road five-star character. He's a support character that uses the Geo element and a single-handed sword. The most appealing thing about Albedo is his Elemental Skill, Solar Isotoma, which creates a floating platform that can be used for a boost during traversal. It's basically a pale copy of Venti's incredible Elemental Skill.
Despite a cool design and great voice actors, there's nothing outstanding about Albedo just yet. Perhaps more will come to light when he's officially added.
Ganyu, in all her glory.
Should you pay for the Albedo banner in Genshin Impact?
If you want, sure this could be rather okay. Albedo is a completely passable character, but who wants to put their eggs in a passable basket? He doesn't add enough to justify the hassle of obtaining a five-star character.
If you're going to attempt this banner focus on getting constellations for very specific characters. Bennett and Fischl are both fantastic characters for four-stars. Bennett is an excellent support character, while Fischl could easily become your party's DPS. The choice is yours.
If you can stack up enough four-star duplicates, you'll leave this banner happy. Fischl and Bennett won't be helpful if you can't spend enough Primogems.
Skip this banner if you don't believe you'll be able to pull from it more than 30 times in the next 20 days.
What banner comes after Albedo in Genshin Impact?
Following Albedo, miHoYo will add Ganyu. She's a half-human, half-Adeptus Cyro archer who serves as an emissary and secretary for the Liyue Qixing. Ganyu previously appeared briefly during the Liyue storyline. Again, we don't know what characters will be featured alongside Ganyu. If no additional four-star characters are introduced, miHoYo would have to begin reusing characters.
It's possible one of the new four-star characters will come from the eight characters that leaked in November. Nobody from the leak has been formally revealed as of yet.
MiHoYo has yet to announce who will replace Ganyu, but a leak claims that the Adeptus, Xiao will be up after her.
Read also: Wishes, banners, pity, and everything to know about Genshin Impact gacha
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