How and when to unlock The Rock's new Foundation skin in Fortnite
Do you smell what the Foundation is cooking?

Fortnite has big things happening in early February 2022, as the Foundation skin is about to make its highly anticipated debut for owners of the Chapter 3 Season 1 battle pass. With the launch of the premium cosmetic now closer than ever, here’s what we know about this top-tier Outfit. Want to know the Foundation’s confirmed release time and how to unlock the Rock in Fortnite? Then you’ve come to the right place.
When is the Fortnite Foundation skin release date and time?
As seen via Fortnite’s battle pass menu, the Foundation skin is expected to unlock about 19 hours from when this article was created. For those who’d rather not do the math, that means the Foundation’s expected release time is February 3 at 9 a.m. Eastern. That timing tracks well for the Fortnite faithful, of course, as that’s when Weekly Challenges typically refresh on Thursdays.
The Foundation skin arrives in Fortnite February 3 at 9 a.m. Eastern.
What are the leaked Foundation Challenges and rewards?
Given that the Foundation’s release date is so close, it’s no surprise trusted leakers like iFireMonkey were able to uncover the full list of Foundation Challenges ahead of the skin’s release. We also know which of the additional in-game rewards applies to each challenge as well. You’ll find those details below.
You can unlock additional cosmetics tied to the Foundation skin by completing the challenges listed below.
- Visit Mighty Monument, a Seven Outpost, and Sanctuary (three) - The Foundation Outfit
- Search Chests or Ammo Boxes at Covert Cavern (three) - Foundation’s Fortune emoticon
- Use Shield Potions in a single match (four) - True Foundation spray
- Deal melee damage to your opponents (100) - Foundation’s Plasma Spike Pickaxe
- Snipe an opponent with a Sniper Rifle while crouching (one) Foundation’s Mantle Back Bling
- Hire a character and travel 1,000 meters with them (1,000) - Foundational wrap
- Assist in eliminating Gunnar - Tactical Visor Toggle emote
- Deal headshot damage to players with common or uncommon weapons (500) - The Foundation (Combat Elite) style
- Deal damage to opponents from above with Shotguns or SMGs - The Foundation (Tactical) style
- Land at Seven Outpost then finish top 10 (two) - The Rocket Wing Glider
- Complete all of the Foundation Quests - The Rocket Wing Glider (Stealth) style
That’s all you need to know about the launch of the Foundation skin in Fortnite.