Everything you need to know about Fortnite Week 4’s Legendary Quest
Week 4 is all about missing persons and prepping for Doomsday.

Fortnite Week 4 has begun, and that means there’s a new Legendary Quest for players to complete. In this all-encompassing guide, we’ll reveal every location for missing person signs, clues, and Farmer Steel’s favorite places that you need to get this challenge done.
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Search the farm for clues locations in Fortnite
The first step in this week’s quest asks players to search the farm for clues to find at least two clues. As far as we know there are three locations you can use to get this challenge done, and we’ll share them with you.
Clue location 1: The first clue is here, at this cliff area on the northern edge of the farm.
The first clue in near a ledge on the northern side of the farm.
It’s near this overlook area with three pine trees. You’ll find a clue on the ground.
You’ll see it on this ledge, overlooking these trees.
Clue location 2: The next clue location is in the main farm area to the east.
The next clue is on the eastern side of the farm, closer to he corn fields.
It’s on the ground behind this tractor.
You’ll find the clue on the ground near this tractor.
Clue location 3: In case you need a third clue, you’ll find it on the water’s edge, here.
The third clue is on the water’s edge, north of the main farmland.
If you hop down the hill and head towards the rapids you’ll see this bundle of wood. The third clue is there. Once the challenge is done, you should receive as much as 45,000 XP for your efforts.
You’ll find the clue on the ground near this wood.
Where are Farmer Steel’s favorite places in Fortnite?
As far as Farmer Steel’s favorite places are concerned, those refer to the three major restaurants on the Season 7 map. This includes Stick’s, Pizza Pit, and Durrr Burger. To complete this challenge, all you have to do is visit all three locations to get 30,000 XP. We’ve mapped them out in case you need some extra direction.
Stick’s: Stick’s is at the northern end of Craggy Cliffs and has a huge deck out back. Just go in through the main entrance to progress the challenge.
Stick’s is located in northern Craggy Cliffs.
Pizza Pit: Pizza Pit is just south of the Orchard, marked below. That massive Tomato Head sign is difficult to miss.
Pizza Pit can be found just south of the Orchard.
Durrr Burger: Last but not least, the Durrr Burger is located at this building west of Weeping Woods. Just go inside, and the easy XP should be yours.
The Durrr Burger is located west of Weeping Woods. That should be the final favorite place to find.
Missing person sign locations in Fortnite
Placing missing person signs in Weeping Woods and Misty Meadows is probably the most involved location-based challenge for the week, but luckily, we’ve got all the locations you need to get the job done fast. Place down four signs and you’ll get 30,000 XP.
Misty Meadows
We’re starting with Misty Meadows because we think it has the four easiest locations to find.
Location 1: The first is at the phone booth that’s on the side of the road as you enter Misty from the west. You should hear the phone ringing nearby.
The first missing person sign is at the phone booth on the west of Misty Meadows.
Location 2: The next missing person sign can be placed near the large staircase that’s found here, right at the entrance.
The next missing person sign can be placed near the large staircase close to the entrance of Misty.
Location 3: For the third location, go across the bridge to the spot marked below. You can place a sign outside the bank on the corner. Look for the sign with the pig on it.
The third sign is placed at this bank on the corner.
Location 4: The final location is this hotel building across the street from the bank. It has a purple awning out front and you should see a dolly for carrying luggage. As long as you use these locations, the 30,000 XP should be yours.
The fourth missing person sign is placed across the street, at the hotel with the purple awning.
Weeping Woods
In case you still need them, there are missing person signs to place at Weeping Woods as well. Here are all the locations you can find them.
Location 1: Go to this large building to the northeast, and walk around it to the doorway where you can see a dresser and a desk lamp from the outside. There should be a spot to place a sign there.
The first missing person sign in Weeping Woods is in front of this large building.
Locations 2 and 3: Go to this smaller building, south of the previous location. You can place a sign at both the front and back entrances.
There are two signs to place at this small building to the south.
Location 4: The last missing person sign in Weeping Woods is placed here, in this brush area towards the center of the location. You’ll come to a small medical stand where you can place a sign outside.
The last missing person sign is towards the center of Weeping Woods, at the medical stall.
Where to collect the Doomsday Prepper’s Guide
The next step is a simple one, asking players to find a single Doomsday Prepper’s Guide on the Battle Royale map. You’ll find it by heading to Flush Factory and landing here.
Enter Flush Factory through the northwest garage.
Break through this garage when you land there.
This is what the garage looks like. Break through the door with your Pickaxe.
As soon as you break thorough, you should see a blue office door directly in front of you. Go in, and you’ll find the guide sitting on the floor.
You’ll find the guide sitting in the corner of this office.
Where to forage for food
When it comes to foraging, head to any of the farms or orchards on the map to grab five supplies. This last step should be fairly easy, but it still rewards 30,000 XP. That’s all you need to know to complete the Week 4 Legendary Quest in Fortnite.
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