Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 start date, trailer, leaks, skins, and spoilers
The IO may make a comeback.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 is just a few days away, so leaks have begun emerging about the upcoming battle pass. Curious about when the next season is expected to start? Want to know how Season 2 will impact the ongoing conflict between the Imagined Order and the Seven? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything we know about Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 based on official and unofficial sources.
When is the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 start date and time?
According to information presented on the official Season 1 Battle Pass screen, Season 2 is expected to begin sometime around March 20, 2022. It’s obviously possible this date may fluctuate based on the needs of development, but this is the date Fortnite’s developers at Epic Games seem to be focused on right now. It’s worth noting that March 20 is a Sunday as well, so Epic may start the new battle pass on the same weekend day as its predecessor.
Key locations on the Season 1 map are about to be overrun with IO outposts.
As for its expected release time, we anticipate that to be sometime in the morning on the East Coast of the United States. While most past seasonal updates went live around 6 a.m. Eastern, Season 1 of Chapter 3 changed things up by launching at 10 a.m. Eastern. For now, keeping an eye on that four-hour block of time is the best suggestion we have.
Is there a Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 teaser or trailer?
Not yet, but teasers are expected to begin March 17 or shortly thereafter.
The Battle Royale map has flipped, and that means big things for the season ahead.
What are the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 leaks?
Outside of data-mines from the likes of HYPEX and iFireMonkey, there have been a few insider leaks about the upcoming battle pass that are worth noting. In a video posted on January 4, Fortnite content creator and reliable leaker Tabor Hill had this to say about the upcoming battle pass.
Tabor Hill drops the first leaked details about Chapter 3 Season 2
“We’re going to be at, almost like a war with the IO people. The IO is coming back for revenge. We flipped the map, we made them mad, the beehive has been hit. They’re coming for revenge. So if they’re going to fight us and the Seven, they’re going to need some serious equipment, something like [the drill recently found east of Logjam Lumberyard].” Hill also says Season 2 will feature a derivable vehicle with turrets that are based on something we’ve seen before.
This drill may be the start of big things for the future of Fortnite.
Back in early December HYPEX tweeted an image of five different locations that eventually proved to be the sites of IO-created “earthquakes,” as the organization drilled through the flipside map to establish new bases. Logjam Lumberyard, of course, was one of those infamous spots.
Here are five locations where the IO is expected to set up shop.
In the days leading up to Season 2, we now know the IO’s assault on the flipside will continue and will result in a full-scale war between both factions. Remember being able to swear allegiance to the Ghost or Shadow crew in Chapter 2 Season 2? Many fans believe the upcoming battle pass will offer a similar show of loyalty to either the IO or the Seven.
When it comes to those ever-important leaks through data-mines, here’s a recap of everything we’ve been able to find out over the last few weeks.
Weapons and Items
- Mythic Thermal AR: HYPEX suggests a new assault rifle with 39 body/build damage and 70 DPS will likely be added to Battle Royale in Season 2. It’s expected to be fully automatic.
- Mythic with Blades: In late February, HYPEX suggested Fortnite’s developers at Epic Games were working on a Mythic with blades similar to Wolverine’s. It has a spin attack, charge attack, and boosted jumps. This may or may not be tied to a brand collaboration.
- Mythic Shockwave Bow: HYPEX thinks the Shockwave Bow may return with a special Mythic variant.
- Homing Rocket: in mid-February, HYPEX also unearthed data strings tied to a Homing Rocket weapon. This may make sense as an anti-air gun if the vehicle leaks listed below turn out to be accurate.
- Double Deagle: In early March, HYPEX found unused data for a weapon known as the Double Deagle. Could we be getting twin pistols in Season 2?
- Epic Squad Burst Healer: Heals 75 HP per squad member and recharges every three minutes.
- Legendary Shield Aura Backpack item: Heals 50 shield for you and your squad with infinite recharges.
- Returning weapons: Kingsman Umbrella and buffed C4.
- Zeppelin: HYPEX has mentioned twice that Epic Games are hard at work working on some sort of zeppelin vehicle. That leak may finally come to fruition this season.
- Tank Drill: In February HYPEX discovered mentions of a tank-like vehicle listed as TreadVehicle. Given that the currently available IO drills have treads, the prevailing thought is that players may soon be able to drive them. This may also relate to the “derivable vehicle with turrets based on something we’ve seen before” mentioned in Tabor Hill’s initial leak.
Map updates
- DDMachine: Mentioned alongside the Mythic AR, HYPEX also suggested that a POI called DDMachine was in the works as of February 1. There’s some suggestion this may be a new version of the Agency, which was the central operation point for the Doomsday Device in Chapter 2 Season 2.
- Cattus Cave: In the same tweet as the one featuring the Double Deagle, HYPEX also highlights files tied to a presumed POI called Cattus Cave.
- A ground boss: As referenced by SweazyLeaks, in March, there have been some mentions of “a boss that could emerge from the ground.”
Do we know anything about the Chapter 3 Season 2 battle pass skins?
As stated above, the common assumption from most leakers is that Fortnite Chapter 2 is themed around a faction-based war between the Imagined Order and the Seven. With that fact in mind, here are a few thoughts about what we may see in the next battle pass.
- The Sisters: The Foundation mentioned a pair of sisters during the previous live event, and many fans believe their skin design was leaked via an Epic Games survey tweeted by Shiina, HYPEX and several others. Of particular note is the character model that’s sixth in from the left. We can currently see the sisters’ totems in the Sanctuary, so they’ll no doubt play a role in Season 2 or beyond.
- Mary Jane: In early March, Fortnite Intel tweeted an image of a very convincing character render of Spider-Man’s Mary Jane Watson, leading leakers to suppose she may be available as battle pass or premium skin during Season 2. In December, iFireMonkey even uncovered evidence that Peter’s pal was considered as an NPC. Could we see that come to fruition next season?
As with all leaks, however, it’s important that these details be taken with a grain of salt. Even though the data the leaks are based on may be genuine, it’s possible Epic changed course during development or opted to discard certain concepts that didn’t work. That said, we’re confident that quite a few of these items and ideas will be available to enjoy once Season 2 officially debuts.
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