Where to find Week 4’s Alien Artifacts in Fortnite
There’s a new batch of artifacts to find.

Keep your eyes peeled. Fortnite has 20 new Alien Artifacts to find spread across five individual canisters. For those who’d like to make the most of their tier 1 Kymera skin, these tiny collectibles have become very valuable. Thankfully, we’ve got the updated list of locations to help shorten the ongoing scavenger hunt.
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Fortnite Week 4 Alien Artifact locations
As has been the case in previous weeks, there are five Alien Artifact canisters to find with four artifacts in each canister. By the time you reach the end of this guide, you should have 20 more artifacts to spend on some fairly expensive upgrades for Kymera.
Alien Artifact location 1: For the first Alien Artifact location, head to the back area of the Holly Hedges garden store, marked below.
For the first Alien Artifact, head to the back of Holly Hedges’ garden store.
You should find the artifact sitting under this shelf up against the wall.
You’ll find the artifact canister under his shelving.
Alien Artifact location 2: The second artifact is located inside this building, north of the trailer park in Weeping Woods.
The second Alien Artifact can be found inside this building in Weeping Woods.
Enter on the first floor and look for the magazine racks and large potted plant. You’ll come to this “no admittance” sign, and you’ll see the canister floating above your head. Build a ramp to get up there.
Look for this sign and the magazine racks to find the canister floating above you.
Alien Artifact location 3: The third Alien Artifact is behind the large bluish-purple warehouse building in Dirty Docks, marked on the map below.
For the third artifact, head to Dirty Docks and go to the rear of the bluish warehouse building.
Around the rear of the building you’ll see this staircase. The Alien Artifact canister should be under it.
You’ll find the canister sitting under these stairs.
Alien artifact location 4: For the fourth Alien Artifact, head to this spot in northwest Lazy Lake.
For the fourth Alien Artifact, head to the guard house in Lazy Lake.
You’ll come to a little guard tower next to the playground area. Go inside, and the Alien Artifact canister will be waiting for you.
You’ll find the artifact canister sitting inside the guard hut.
Alien Artifact location 5: Last but not least, head to the building marked “#4” towards the center of Steamy Stacks.
The last Alien Artifact is towards the center of Steamy Stacks.
On the side of that building you’ll see this pipe structure with the Alien Artifact canister nestled in the bend. Just visit these five locations, and the 20 Alien Artifacts are yours.
You’ll find the artifact nestled in this piping structure.
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