How to find and unlock Corneo's 3 Secret Stashes in Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Corneo's secret stashes scattered across Midgar contain some excellent items. Here's how to find them all.

Throughout the early stages of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Corneo's secret stashes are some of the most tantalizing prizes that remain out of reach for a lengthy period of time. Even after you meet Don Corneo himself, his stashes will still be out of reach. Once you hit a certain point in FF7 Remake, though, Corneo's goods are free for the taking. If you want to get all of the great items found within these secret stashes, follow these spoiler-free steps.
Step 1: Begin the "Don Corneo's Secret Stash" side quest in Chapter 14
You'll need to reach Chapter 14 to start the "Corneo's Secret Stash" quest.
To even get a chance to access these stashes, you'll have to get to Chapter 14 of FF7 Remake. This is 20 or more hours into the game, and you'll probably discover most of the stashes beforehand organically through your travels. Once you get to Chapter 14, the game opens up, and you'll gain access to the side quest "Don Corneo's Secret Stash." To start this sidequest, talk to Damon, the reporter that can be found near the train station north of Sector 5. Once you do that, your quest to find Corneo's secret stash can begin.
Step 2: Find the calling card and key
Now that you've started the quest, navigate to the Guardian Angel's hideout. You should have already cleared out this location in a Chapter 8 side quest. There, you'll find a calling card with the locations of Corneo's stashes, but you'll still need the key to access them. To get that, you'll have to negotiate with Kyrie at the Sector 5 church, who asks Cloud and company to fight in Sector 6's coliseum in her stead.
Get back to Wall Market and start the special encounter, which is against a beastmaster and his two-headed Hellhound. This fight can be tough, but it becomes a lot easier when you take advantage of weaknesses. The Beastmaster is weak to Fire spells and the Hellhound is weak to Blizzard spells. After beating that pair, go back to the church and Kyrie will give you the key. Now, you can finally go to each stash.
Step 3: Go to the secret stash locations and reap your rewards
Now you can access each stash. The closest one to you will be in the Sector 5 junkyard. After you clear that out, go to the one right inside the entrance of the collapsed expressway. Those two are the easy stashes, as the next one will require you to start another quest and head into the sewer's beneath Don Corneo's home.
Get to the part of FF7 Remake Chapter 14's main quest that sends you into Corneo's sewers. You'll eventually come to a ladder with a switch near it. Don't go up the ladder; instead, use the switch to lower the water level in a certain area of the sewers, which will expose the final secret stash. You'll have to fight a miniboss Sahagin Prince, but take advantage of his weakness to Fire spells and you should get past him quickly. You can then raid Corneo's final stash.
After doing all of this, go to Marle and you'll get a manuscript that will increase Cloud's available skill points. Once you've done this, the quest should be completed and you'll have gotten everything available from these stashes.
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