Gaming News

Fallout 76's Massive Update Will Make Walton Goggins Fans Very Happy

Who wants to be a Ghoul?

by Trone Dowd

At long last, players who want to live out their lives in the post-apocalyptic wasteland as one of Fallout’s most iconic mutations can finally do so thanks to the latest update to Bethesda’s open-world multiplayer RPG.

Fallout 76 players can finally step into the discolored, sagging skin of a radiated Ghoul starting today, marking the very first time these often charming skeletal mutants will be playable in a Fallout game. The class is being added to the game as part of Fallout 76’s 20th seasonal update titled Glow Of The Ghoul.

Becoming a Ghoul won’t be as harrowing as it typically is in the Fallout mythos. Instead, experienced wastelanders in Appalachia will opt into the lifestyle of their own volition through the miracles of science. Players must first reach Level 50 (new Fallout 76 players can start their journey into the West Virginia wasteland at Level 20, lessening the grind). Reaching Level 50 unlocks a special quest involving a ghoulification experiment that allows you to make the fateful turn.

Those brave enough to take the risk stand to gain a plethora of benefits and changes. For one, NPCs and factions in the world will react differently towards Ghoul players, lending a new reason to re-explore the wasteland. In spaces where characters are hostile towards ghouls, players can wear disguises to keep their transformation hidden.

Ghouls aren’t just immune to radiation, they’re buffed by it. They can use radiation to heal their wounds and gain unique abilities inaccessible to the normal human wasteland. Ghoul players no longer have to worry about hunger, injuries, and disease as their sustained radiation will take care of that for them. And for those looking to mix up their playstyle, Ghouls can access 30 new Ghoul-exclusive Perk cards.

There will be a catch for players who decide to make the turn. A new Feral Meter will replace the normal Hunger and Thirst stat. When it's depleted, players will presumably become a powerful (if somewhat mindless) zombie. Borrowing from the popular television show, players can keep the feral turn at bay by consuming chems. Unless, of course, you plan to use your ferality for your own benefit that is.

Players will be able to add Ghoul and radiation-themed decor to their living spaces.

Bethesda Game Studios

Since being a ghoul has its advantages and disadvantages, Bethesda’s giving every player the option to revert back to being a human if they decide the radioactive life isn’t for them. The decision does carry weight though as they can become a ghoul once more if they purchase a token in the game’s Atomic Shop.

In addition to the new playable class, the new update will add new Ghoul and radiation-themed decorative items and furniture for your player camp.

Fallout 76 is one of gaming’s biggest comeback stories. After a disastrous launch back in 2018, the game has managed to turn things around with a vat of interesting updates and crucial changes. When the successful Fallout television show dropped last April, Fallout 76 saw an influx of new players, giving the game yet another wind.

Fallout 76 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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