Sneaky Fall Guys update fixes major issues and adds PS4 Valve skins
While this patch still doesn't remove yellow team, it's still pretty cool.
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, a new fun platforming-based battle royale game, is taking advantage of its newfound popularity by supporting the game with a steady stream of post-launch updates. While the last major update on August 13 added a new game mode, Thursday's "Sneaky Update" tackles some overall quality-life-improvements while also added some exciting new Valve costumes on the PlayStation 4 version of the game.
Thursday's Fall Guys patch fixes many small issues that have probably been annoying anyone who's been playing a lot of the game, and there are even some new skins for PlayStation 4 players to look forward to.
The patch notes — if we could call a tweet with four items listed "patch notes" — were revealed Thursday morning on Twitter. Dubbed the "Sneaky Update" by the playful Twitter account, this patch makes four key changes to make the game more enjoyable, especially for those on PS4.
First, there will now be "no more back to back team games." Team games force players to cooperate with other people they can't communicate with, so these particular games can get quite frustrating when repeated.
Another change adjusts the timer in two game modes: "Team Tail Tag and Royal Fumble timer is now 1:30." This slightly more intense game previously had a timer of 2:00, so this makes things a bit more manageable.
The maximum player count on Fall Mountain has also be adjusted to 15, which means that if the final rounds ever have more than that number, you'll wind up playing Hex-A-Gone, Royale Fumble, or Jump Showdown.
Finally, "Valve costumes will now be available in the store on PS4," meaning that those who got the game on PS Plus will finally have access to the Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 crossover skins that were previously PC-exclusive. That includes Gordon Freeman and Alyx from Half-Life, along with Scout from Team Fortress 2.
A follow-up tweet reveals just where Mediatonic and Devolver Digital got the idea for these updates too. "The replies probably already show - but a lot of these changes are based directly on your feedback!" it reads. "Fall Guys is always watching."
The reactions to the update in the replies are fairly positive too if you can look past everyone begging for an Xbox One port of the game. "You guys are doing so well!" fan asoufan96 responded. "Keep it up!"
The Inverse Analysis — Even though this patch doesn't introduce any new modes to Fall Guys or introduces any new content, it's still improving the overall quality for players. The fact that back-to-back team games aren't a thing anymore will definitely improve the pacing of Fall Guys matches and please those who aren't a fan of team games or being stuck on the dreadful yellow team.
The shorter length of Team Tail Tag and Royal Fumble will mean that these frantic tail-grabbing mini-games become a lot less stressful. 30 seconds matters a lot in these modes. The Fall Mountain player count change should also make that final stage feel much more intense.
For PC-exclusive skins to arrive on PS4 is a good indication that Mediatonic and Devolver Digital aren't interested in having exclusive content for the game on certain platforms — and an exciting indication that they may be pursuing cross-save and/or crossplay in some capacity. The Valve crossover skins are some of the game's coolest, so this is definitely a welcome addition for PS4 players.
This is the more significant thing we've seen from Valve on a console in years! Now, if only the dev team would remove the yellow team entirely ...
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is available now for PC and PS4.