Xur's location and wares in Destiny 2 from March 6-10, 2020
Tracking down Xur, the merchant in Destiny 2 that appears in a shuffling location to sell exotic wares and other items to Guardians.

Since the launch of Destiny 1 in 2014, Guardians have had three constants in their life: regular new content, a desire to grind for new gear, and the possibility of obtaining excellent new weapons and armor through a merchant called Xur who wanders into the game's solar system every weekend.
Where did Xur emerge on Friday, March 6, 2020? Can the merchant assist with your Season of the Worthy prep? And what curios is the creepy merchant peddling?
Xur is a strange merchant with a dark, Lovecraftian squid face who wears a dark robe and appears in a different location within the Destiny 2-verse every Friday around 12 p.m. Eastern.
He brings with him a brand new inventory of random exotic items available for purchase with Legendary Shards, and he departs upon the weekly reset the following Tuesday at 12 p.m. Eastern.
Because they're totally random, the items he sells are often a mixed bag; They can either be incredible boons for endgame level players, or they might be absolute drags. Hunters might have excellent treasure waiting for them the same week that a frustrated Titan tries to attack the merchant for selling that same terrible pair of gloves. But for completionists and collectors who want every piece of exotic armor and every exotic weapon, a visit to Xur is a necessary weekly ritual. Finding him has never been particularly easy.
It used to be simpler in the first Destiny when Xur would only appear in social spaces. He must’ve gotten one heck of a permit between the two games because in Destiny 2 he can set up shop on any explorable planet in Patrol mode. Don't worry: He still shows up in the Tower occasionally. But for anyone looking to find him, here's your primer on what Xur's up to this week.
Where is Xur March 6, 2020 in Destiny 2?
This week, Xur can be found in Nessus, in the Watcher’s Grave, on the Emperor’s Barge.
Xur's location in the Watcher's Grave
If you have trouble finding him, reference the above map with the cursor pinned to his location.
What is in Xur's inventory on the weekend of March 6?
Before heading over to the Agent of the Nine’s curio shop, you might want to know if what he’s got in stock is worth your time. This is what Xur is selling from March 6 until the Tuesday reset:
Prometheus Lens
Solar Energy Trace Rifle, 29 Legendary Shards
The Prometheus Lens deals some hefty Solar damage and it's quite fun to use — it's a freakin' laser beam right in your hands! This gun will eviscerate any foe in PVE and has some use in Gambit as well. Using its Prismatic Inferno mod, the gun will continue to grow in damage for every second that you're continuously firing it. Additionally, every kill you make will automatically add some ammo from the reserves to your magazine, further extending the duration and thus increasing its damage. As far as energy weapons go, this is one of the best around.
Is the Prometheus Lens worth it? Yes!
Lucky Pants
Lucky Pants
Hunter Leg Armor, 23 Legendary Shards
If you're a Hunter that enjoys a good Hand Cannon, these slacks are a must-buy! Once worn by Cayde-6, Lucky Pants come with the Illegally Modded Holster effect, meaning that every precision hit you make will load one round to a stowed Hand Cannon. Additionally, when you swap Hand Cannons, they'll equip faster and have momentarily boosted accuracy.
Are the Lucky Pants worth it? Without a doubt.
Helm of Saint-14
Titan Helmet, 23 Legendary Shards
Poetically, Xur has decided to close out Season 9 by offering merch based on the star of the season, Saint-14. The helm has narrow possible uses. It might be useful when Season 10 launches next week, specifically for players enjoying Seraph Towers. In situations where you're faced with waves of foes, take cover in your Titan's Ward of Dawn. With this helmet's ability, Starless Night, the Super move will have a blinding effect on any foe who enters your domain. That being said, it's not a necessary buy. But it could have some fun uses in niche circumstances.
Is the Helm of Saint-14 worth it? In some cases, but you can skip it if you're running low on Legendary Shards.
Apotheosis Veil
Warlock Helmet, 23 Legendary Shards
Although this helmet is certainly cool in appearance, there are far better uses for your hard-earned Legendary Shards. Using the ability Insatiable, the helmet will replenish the wearer's health, melee, grenade, and rift energy when they activate their Super. This is a fine ability, but there are better Warlock exotics out there.
Is the Apotheosis Veil worth it? Not really.
Xur's will may not be his own, but he'll return next week at the same time in a different place.