Here’s exactly when the Destiny 2 weekly reset happens — and what changes
The cycle begins anew.

Bungie’s Destiny 2 has never been better following the launch of The Witch Queen on February 22, 2022. It’s the most ambitious expansion since the game’s release in September 2017 and part of an ongoing ritual of annual updates to the game. In fact, annual, weekly, and even daily rituals are a huge part of the experience in this looter-shooter. For Destiny players, the most important part of any week is reset day. That’s when the game’s various activities refresh, essentially resetting your goals for the week so you can grind activities for better gear. Did things change with the latest update? Here’s what you need to know
Destiny 2 weekly reset time
Destiny 2’s weekly resets always happen at the same time, but it does fall prey to daylight savings time in the United States. Therefore, as of mid-March 2022, the daily and weekly reset now occurs at 1 p.m. Eastern or 10 a.m. Pacific. Previously, it had been at 12 p.m. Eastern and 9 a.m. Pacific.
Resets happen at that time on the dot, so you’ll usually always see changes take place right away when you log in. If you’re in-game when a reset happens, you’ll usually get removed from whatever activity you're doing and kicked back to orbit, so be mindful of that when playing around that time.
What changes during weekly resets?
Kyber’s Corner is a great resource for easy, digestible info about the weekly reset.
Resets are an important part of any Destiny player’s life because they shift a lot of content around. On a basic level, any weekly challenges or tasks get reset. That means that players are able to complete checklist tasks that grant powerful and pinnacle rewards, such as hitting a weekly clan XP threshold. It’s always worth logging in on Tuesday just to check those items off.
For Guardians who participate in raids, resets can be a pain because all raid progress resets on Tuesday. That means that players lose any checkpoints they had in a raid. As a consolation, raid challenges change every Tuesday, giving fans another reason to jump back in.
Reset days have major loot and cosmetic implications too. Most importantly, the weekend exotic vendor Xur leaves after a reset occurs. Players need to make sure to track him down before then if they want his gear that week. Meanwhile, Eververse gets a new stock of items to browse through on Tuesday.
Expansion-specific activities also shift around on Tuesday. Europa’s Eclipsed Zone rotates weekly, which is one of the new features from Beyond Light. But The Witch Queen also introduces PsiOps and Wellspring. And don’t forget about Ascendant Challenges tied to the Dreaming City.
The Traveler has long loomed over the Last City on Earth.
Those shift on a weekly cycle through three stages as the curse on the city shifts from stage one to two to three and then back again on a cycle. Ascendant Challenges grant special Dreaming City gear that’s a bit outdated at this point, but some of the possible weapons you can earn are worth it — yet you can also decode Umbral Engrams at H.E.L.M. to get Dreaming City gear instead.
Finally, Empire Hunts also change every week. These amped-up boss fights are a key part of the new expansion’s loot grind. Empire Hunts grant weekly powerful drops, so they’re a great source of power for those looking to boost their stats.
The earlier in a week players complete these activities, the less they have to worry about finishing them before the next reset, so it’s always good to log in on Tuesday and start checking boxes off early.
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