Everything you need to know about Destiny 2 Crimson Days 2020
Love never hurt so bad!

Ah, February, the only time of year where the air is filled with three lovely things: oxygen, love, and bullets — if you’re playing the Destiny 2's Crimson Days event.
The romantic event to celebrate the Destiny universe's version of Valentine's Day holds a special meaning for Guardians looking to show what they can achieve with love and affection via the Crucible’s seasonal 2v2 Crimson Doubles playlist. With a lover or a wingman by their side, Guardians seek to earn The Vow, a special Masterworked Solar bow with 650 power that only comes around during these loving days. If you happen to earn the weapon, Lord Shaxx is canonically obligated to take your hand in marriage.
So how do you reach this pinnacle of Destiny 2 achievements? Here's that and everything else you might want to know about Crimson Days 2020:
When is the Destiny 2 Crimson Days start date and time? When does it end?
Crimson Days event begins on Tuesday, February 11 at 12 p.m. Eastern and concludes on the following Tuesday on February 18 at the same time.
What are the requirements for joining Crimson Days 2020?
While all players are invited to experience Crimson Days — including anyone who's going the free-to-play model — new players must first meet the following requirements:
- Escape the Cosmodrome to unlock the Tower.
- Achieve 790 Power.
Once new players meet the above requirements, they will unlock a milestone telling them to speak to Lord Shaxx in the Tower. If you started playing Destiny 2 prior to the New Light update you can join the event by speaking to Lord Shaxx, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites.
What changes are included in the Crimson Doubles Playlist?
Other than the chance to play a 2v2 playlist — which is an unfortunately scant opportunity in the Crucible — matches played via the Crimson Days playlist also involve the following modifiers: modified by three things:
- Reunited — A special buff which increases how quickly abilities recharge when teammates are close to one another
- Falling Apart — Conversely, if you and your partner have too great a schism between your locations, the enemy team will be made aware of both your locations.
- Vengeance — If your teammate is defeated, for a brief time, you will be granted significantly increased ability regeneration, and regain a small amount of lost health.
Two Guardians with a deep bond.
How do I unlock the Vow? Is it any good? What else is Shaxx selling?
As expected, your most burning question is how to obtain Crimson Days’ famous bow: The Vow. Who doesn’t want to wed Lord Shaxx? Well, even if you’re mum on the matter, you do need to talk to your potential hubby to get the item.
Throughout the course of Crimson Days, Shaxx will be selling the bow for 100 Confectionary Hearts, the event’s exclusive currency. Although it’s a promotional weapon, it’s actually quite good for Crucible. If you have an easy time getting headshots, The Vow will make it even easier.
If you miss the event, don’t sweat it, it’ll likely return next year.
Okay, I get it, you don’t want Shaxx to get the wrong idea. In addition to the Vow, Shaxx is also selling a variety of single purchase seasonal items.
- Tirastrella ghost shell — 25 Confectionery Hearts
- Undeterred Exotic sparrow — 50 Confectionery Hearts
- Dieselpunk ornament — 125 Confectionery Hearts
- Flaunting Dance emote — 150 Confectionery Hearts
- SVC-12 Sparrow (Price TBA)
- IVC-10 Sparrow (Price TBA)
By purchasing any of these, you’ll be safely in Shaxx’s friend zone. Additionally, after purchasing all the available one-time items, you’ll still be able to spend your hard-earned Confectionary Hearts on Warmhearted Gifts. The gifts sell for 15 Hearts a pop and include Enhancement Cores, Engrams, mod components, and all sorts of resources to improve your game.
How do I earn Confectionary Hearts?
To get anywhere in this event, you’ll need to learn both how to earn Confectionary Hearts and how to spell the word “confectionary,” so you may beg your pals for assistance. While these are both daunting tasks, we can solve your earning problem right here. Confectionary Hearts can be earned through three methods.
- Playing matches in Crimson Doubles awards seven hearts per win, and five per loss.
- Each daily Crimson Days bounty will award 15 hearts
- Complete the Weekly Nightfall to earn 75 hearts
What are the 2020 Crimson Hearts Triumphs?
Yes, Triumphs have returned yet again. There are 10 Triumphs to achieve this time around, doing all of them will unlock an exclusive exotic Sugary Ghost Shell. Here’s everything you need to adorn your Ghost with special attire:
- Labor of Love - Complete Crimson Days Triumphs.
- Heart's Desire - Collect each of the Crimson Days rewards offered by Lord Shaxx.
- I'm with You - Complete Crimson Days matches.
- Love Conquers All - Win Crimson Days matches.
- Homewrecker - As a fireteam, defeat Guardians while they are affected by the "Reunited" buff. May be completed only within the Crimson Days playlist.
- Divide and Conquer - As a fireteam, defeat Guardians separated from their partner. May be completed only within the Crimson Days playlist.
- Heartless - As a fireteam, defeat Guardians while they seek vengeance for their fallen ally. May be completed only within the Crimson Days playlist.
- Love Avenged - Earn Blood for Blood medals by avenging your fallen ally. May be completed only within the Crimson Days playlist.
- Looking for Love - Complete Crimson Days bounties.
- Two to Tango - Complete a Nightfall in a fireteam of two.
After completing these tasks, the incredible Sugary Shell will be yours for the taking. It’s a really good shell! Sugary Shell’s Guiding Light perk will increase all XP gains by 10 percent!
Rejoice Guardian, you’re now ready to fall in love as it’s meant to be — under a hail of bullets.
Destiny 2 is free-to-play on PS4, Xbox One, and PC with additional content available for purchase.