How to open all 13 Call of Duty: Warzone bunkers with access cards
The mysterious bunkers persist in Warzone.

Some of Call of Duty: Warzone's best loot is found in underground bunkers. These bunkers were first discovered around the Call of Duty: Warzone map shortly after the free-to-play battle royale game was released back in March 2020. That said, players couldn't open them until the 1.21 update for the game in May 2020, and more bunkers (and similar secret locations) have been added to the game since.
These bunkers played a part in teasing the new full-priced Call of Duty game in 2020, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Following Modern Warfare Season 5 at the start of August, the red access cards needed to unlock the bunkers have returned with some noticeable upgrades and blue access cards appeared as well. Meanwhile, more secret bunkers that were tougher to find were also added around Verdansk.
If you want to access these bunkers and see what all the fuss is about, here's what you need to know about unlocking these bunkers in Activision's widely successful battle royale.
Where are the bunker locations in Call of Duty: Warzone?
It's unlikely that you'll be able to make it to every bunker location during a single match, as they are all spread out across Verdansk. As such, it's smart to target just one or two during a battle royale match. Thankfully, most of them are near major locations so you can find them with just a bit of effort scouring the environment.
To access 11 of the game's bunkers, you'll need a Red Access Card gathered from chests to open the doors. While these items used to only come from the rare legendary crates around Verdansk, they're now in any colored crate, including common crates.
Season 5 also introduced a new red card icon with the shape of a key on it that appears next to the name and health of any active player. YouTuber MrDalekJD claims that the new red key cards will open bunkers 0, 4, 5, 6, and 9. Other bunkers are seemingly inaccessible, but things appear to be constantly in flux.
Here are all 11 bunker locations on the 'Call of Duty: Warzone' map.
- Bunker 1: On the northern end of the Junkyard region
- Bunker 2: Another on the northern end of just east of the Junkyard region just west of Boneyard
- Bunker 3: Between the military base and dam in Bloc 23
- Bunker 4: On the southern end of the Junkyard region just west of Boneyard
- Bunker 5: Just south of the military base in the Lazoff Pass region
- Bunker 6: East of the quarry in Bloc 18
- Bunker 7: Northeast of the Verdansk stadium
- Bunker 8: Also Northeast of the Verdansk stadium in Bloc 18
- Bunker 9: Northeast of the prison in the southeast corner of the map
- Bunker 10: South of the park near the edge of the map
Learn why Call of Duty: Warzone is the perfect game to play during the Covid-19 quarantine.
What rewards do you get for visiting a Call of Duty: Warzone bunker?
These 10 bunkers are worth visiting as they contain excellent loot thanks to Legendary Supply Boxes, weapon blueprints, and money scattered around each of them. Still, they do have locked doors, suggesting that there is more to these bunkers than currently meets the eye. As Activision begins to tease Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War more and more, expect these bunkers to only become more interesting and useful.
Where are the secret bunkers in Call of Duty: Warzone?
The Bloc 23 Bunker: While there are 10 regular bunkers for players to find, there are several other more secretive ones that have appeared on Verdansk over time. There is an eleventh secret bunker in Call of Duty: Warzone. It can be found northwest of the military base in Bloc 23 near the edge of the map.
To access this bunker, you'll have to gather intel from a series of message phones scattered across the map and decipher a code. You'll get a three-digit number encoded in Russian. Using that number, you must then visit different Morse code phones in the correct order. (GamesRadar has a handy guide for that.)
While the three-digit code given is randomized, the specific phone locations they reference are not. After picking up the phones for all three, the eleventh bunker will be unlocked. (It's the northern-most red dot on our above map.)
Inside the bunker, you'll receive a blueprint for a legendary MP7, so it's definitely worth going out of your way to find. That said, it may be best to do this in Plunder as the shrinking arena of the battle royale mode will make it hard to get to this final bunker most of the time.
The Secret Station: Next, there is a secret train station that players could find starting in Season 6. That said, it requires players to solve a difficult puzzle at City Hall. Small images that are parts of paintings of City Hall are shown to players, as is a command to add or subtract a certain number. Players then must add, subtract, or do nothing based on the images shown in order to get the code.
The latest season of Call of Duty: Warzone brought a new bunker with it.
Then, players have to put in the top and bottom half of each number that's part of the code. All of this is done on an extremely short timer, and requires a team that communicates well. If you're able to do it successfully, you can interact with a terminal at the airport's metro station and take the train to the secret station. For more details, check out Inverse's dedicated guide on this subject.
The airport bunker: Yet another bunker was added as part of the latest season. As a video by Valkia explains, this new secret bunker is located in a hole in the ground that has popped up at Verdansk's airport. This bunker doesn't require any special codes to access, you'll just need to hit it up right at the start of a match if you want to get all of its best loot.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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