Avowed's Funniest Quest: A Guide For Completing The Wasteland Courier
A trip in more ways than one.

There’s all manner of quests in Avowed. Ones that will crush your soul with tragedy and dramatic intrigue. And others that will tickle the funny bone. When players reach the city of Shatterscarp in the game’s third region, Thirdborn, there’s one quest in particular that fits the latter.
While it’s simple in premise, there are more than a few ways to lose track of it all. Here’s how to beat The Wasteland Courier, one of Avowed’s wackiest and trickiest quests.
Meet with Daiko
Daiko is a sly shopkeeper who won’t reveal the content of a mysterious package he wants you to pick up.
When you enter the city of Shatterscarp, walk straight, past down the path to the left of the giant Leviathan skeleton that hangs above, past the fabric shopkeeper and bounty bulletin board. In a little nook to the right of a staircase is a man named Daiko. Speak to him and he’ll ask you to pick up a “private” package discreetly. Take him up on his offer and he’ll inform you that the supplier won’t jut give up the location of those goods. Instead, customers must follow a series of graffitti marks to the location, starting with the arrow right behind him.
Follow the trail
What comes next is fairly simple, though one wrong step could leave you walking around wasting precious minutes. The arrow behing Daiko points to a pillar with another painted on to it pointing towards the stairs. Head up the stairs, and follow the next arrow (painted on the pillar at the top of the stairs) pointed right towards the shaded path along the apartement buildings.
Here you’ll find a fish head mounted on a wall with an arrow pointing left. Follow it around the corner, up three steps, then turn left immediately and head down the stairs leading back towards the market. You’ll see another arrow painted on the pillar in the distance pointed down and slightly right.
The first pillar you see in the distance holding up the Leviathan skeleton has an arrow point directly to the next arrow located on the same support beam.
Keep going straight past the skeleton towards the fountain spouting water from three fish heads. Turn left and head towards that breakable wooden wall. Knock it down with a charged shot, and head down the shady alley.
You’ve arrived! Walk up to the scrawl marked by the X and read, as this isn’t over yet.
The Path Out of Shatterscarp
As the secret message says, you’re going to have to head out of the city and into the wild. Head through the city doors and head north. When you reach a boulder with a familiar looking arrow painted on it, turn northwest and follow the road all the way down until it forks, dispatching enemies along the way. At the split, turn right towards the Deadfall Highlands.
Sneak past (or don’t) the Zaurip camp toward the objective area where things open up considerable. This is another area where it might be easy to miss the next white arrow in the bright sun, but fret not. It’s located near some bushes, pointing towards two cliffs facing one another (pictured below).
The arrow is across the the merchant chilling in the middle of this open area.
Don’t walk directly towards the cliff. Instead, turn left and follow the road until you reach a path leading up the side of this mountain. The path will lead you through a breakable wooden fence. Break through, defeat the Spiderlings behind it, and do a running jump across the two cliffs you saw from the ground below.
You’ll want to get a running start here.
Use the scaffolding to scale further up the cliff and smash the wooden floor to the right of the skeleton. Defeat the spiderlings in the rocky valley and follow the large arrows towards another gap leading through an archway marked by a white towel hanging from its lip.
Aiko’s Camp
You’ve arrived at Aiko’s camp! Turns out, Aiko isn’t just another dubious merchant. He’s actually Daiko’s twin brother who’s had a pretty tough go of it in the wilds of Thirdborn: he’s been bitten by a spiderling in his travels and isn’t long for this world.
Aiko will be the poor sap hacking up a lung when you reach this humble merchants camp. Poor Aiko.
If that wasn’t enough, there’s one more revelation he lays on you: the discreet package you’re here for is actually a drug sourced from the mushrooms sprouting from heads of Dreamthalls.
It’s a lot to take in. Continue the conversation to learn more about Aiko and Daiko’s relationship until he asks you to pay up to take the package off his hands. We recommend lying to him about having the cash to buy it, as a companion (Giatta in my case) will pipe up and tell Aiko to consider this a free sample.
Regardless of what you pick, Aiko kicks the bucket once you’re done with him. Long live Aiko.
Should you take the weird Dreamthrall head drug?
Blowing these up reveals a path back out towards the rest of Thirdborn.
After you collect your rewards from the chests in the camp, blow up the pile of explosive barrels next to a tent positioned against the rocky wall.
As you walk through, you’ll be stopped by your companions who want to see what all the fuss is about. They’ll ask if you want to try a sample. The question is: should you?
Being a good sport and giving it a shot cues a pretty fun scene of you and your party having a very college-kid-tries-pot-for-the-first-time” moment. Unfortunately however, the drug is a bust. Turns out you’ve consumed mushrooms grown from a zombie corpse for nothing!
Trying the drugs in Daiko’s mysterious package leads to a pretty fun moment between you and your crew.
Head back to Thirdborn for the final part of this lengthy quest.
Delivering The Goods
Giving the drugs to the Tira Nui earns you a pretty sweet reward.
You have two choices before you now that you have the drugs in your possession. You can deliver it to Daiko as originally planned, or hand over the contraband to the Tira Nui, the local authorities of Thirdborn.
If you want to be a goody two shoes, talk to Tira Nui Hajime stationed next to the bounty bulletin board. Tell him about the substances, and he’ll reveal that he’s actually the adopted brother of Daiko and Aiko (talk about two different paths). Handing over the drugs earns you a unique trinket called Thirdborn Tira Nui Badge, which the force hands out to kids. The wearable grants players +2 Might.
You can get both rewards if you talk to Hajime first.
For those who deliver the goods directly to Daiko, you’ll break the news that the merchant’s brother didn’t make it. If you took the drug, you can also tell him what your high was like. Completing the take earns you another trinket called the Posioner’s Kit, which grants all of your weapons a bonus +5 poison damage.
If you’re here for the sweet loot, we recommend talking to Hajime over Daiko. He’ll give you Tira Nui Badge, after which you can tell Daiko what you did, and still get the Poisoner’s Kit.