The world of Eora in Avowed is filled with mysteries to unravel, and secrets tucked around every corner. Exploration is a massive part of the game, and how you find all the materials you need to upgrade your equipment. But there are also a few major collectibles to uncover, which don’t just give you gameplay bonuses but some vital bits of lore as well. The two major collectibles are Lost Memories and Strangled Adra. In Avowed’s lore Adra crystal contain the essence of souls, and finding these strangled ones lets you commune with the mysterious voice in your character’s head. There are Five Strangled Adra in total, one for each region.
Spoiler Warning: While we won’t discuss story spoilers, you will see the name of the game's final area.
You won’t be able to find this Adra until completing the story in Dawnshore.
Dawnshore’s Strangled Adra is automatically introduced to you through the story, and you’ll get a quest to find it. You’ll have to go through the entire main quest of the area, however, as the Adra is right next to the exit into the next area.
This Adra is unmissable through the main story.
After you find it, when you’re looking at the Adra head to the left and go down the tunnel into the Precarious Hold.
Follow this tunnel down.
As you travel through the sewer turn left and climb up the giant hole in the ceiling. Now go straight and you’ll arrive at a closed door with two pads on the wall. You need to use lightning to activate these pads — you can either use any lightning spell or a grenade that has a lightning effect. After that flip the switch and the door will open.
Any purple pads like this can be turned on with lightning.
Go through that door and keep turning right until you arrive at another one. Again, you’ll need to activate the lightning pads. The only trick this time is that the one on the right is hidden behind a breakable wall. You can use a skill like Bull Rush to break it, or just go through the whole and activate it on teh other side.
Once that door is open you’ll see the Adra.
Emerald Stair
You can find Emerald Stair’s Adra easily by doing Kai’s companion quest.
Emerald Stair’s Adra is honestly the easiest to find, as it’s immediately accessible. Start from the Rock Arch Beacon and head due North. Go past Tama’s Cabin until you start to see the vines, and some climbable ledges on your left-hand side.
Climb that ledge and the Adra is right there on your left.
Simply clamber up and you’ll see the Adra right there.
Shatterscarp’s Adra is just about in the middle of the map.
Shatterscarp’s Adra is likely the most complicated to find, as it’s tucked away on a hard-to-reach cliff. There are multiple paths you can take to get to it, but this is the easiest one we found.
Start at the Thirdborn Party Camp, the head NortheEast around the end, then slightly South. You should see the Strangled Adra sitting atop a cliff to the East.
This Adra can be a bit tough to spot.
From where the Adra is, head slightly South then go left around the big cliff face. Head all the way to the edge of the area and look for an outcropping of rocks on your left you can climb over.
These are the rocks you want to climb over.
You’ll arrive at a little pool of water with some climbable ledges on the left and some big rocks on your right.
If you reach this pool, you’re in teh right place.
It’s those rocks on the right you’ll want to climb, and even though it looks like it might be too far, you can actually jump to the ledge across from them.
This jump might look intimidating, but you can easily make it.
Climb the big rock, drop down to the little rock, and then jump across and climb up. Now just head straight, burn the weeds blocking the little tunnel, and then crawl through to the Adra.
Galawain’s Tusks
The Adra is in the SouthWest area of Galawain’s Tusks.
The Adra in Galawain’s Tusks is incredibly easy to reach, once you find it. The hard part is that it’s tucked away in a section of the map you likely won’t visit. So use our map above to head to that area first.
Start from the Twinwood South Beacon, located at the Southern Warden Tower. Then head directly SouthEast. You’ll have to fight through some Dreamthralls, but you’ll see the Adra on an easily reachable ledge after some cliffs.
The Garden
The last Adra is located in The Garden, a small explorable area before the final boss. To start you should keep following the objective until you reach the rightmost area of the map, just before the final party camp.
You’ll see the Adra on a high cliff, so from there head left to a cave illuminated by a bunch of plants and mushrooms.
Look for this cave on the right.
Keep heading straight and swim through the water until you reach a little ledge on the left. Use ice spells or grenades to create platforms on the water and jump over to the next ledge.
Make some platforms for yourself. The plant on the left can be hit with a projectile, if you need.
After that just climb up and follow the path to the Adra.