20 new fish and bugs just invaded your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island
...or 5, depending on which hemisphere your island is on.

April is here, which means there is a new batch of collectible critters that gamers can hunt for in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The roster of fish and bugs that were first available when the game was released in March has now been partially replaced by a new list of animals that includes the extravagant Atlas Moth. Here's everything new that can now be found crawling or swimming around your island.
Islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons always have a specific list of creatures that spawn depending on whether they’re located in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. Players will eventually have access to all of the game’s creatures on a rotating basis, but that won’t be the case for a considerable amount of time.
The following lists aren’t complete lists of everything you’ll be able to catch on your island; they're just lists of what new animals just invaded your island.
Here are all of the critters that flew or swam into Animal Crossing: New Horizons at the start of April, how much they’re worth, along with how (and when) to find them.
Break out those fishing rods, there's a new school of fish in town.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons April Fish — Northern Hemisphere
All Northern islands will have a total of 39 fish out of 80 up for grabs during April, and exactly 10 of these will be new species.
- Killifish (300 Bells) are found in ponds all day.
- Crawfish (200 Bells) are found in ponds all day.
- Snapping Turtle (5,000 Bells) are found in rivers.
- Guppy (1,300 Bells) are found in rivers from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Neon Tetra (500 Bells) are found in rivers from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Sea Horse (1,000 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
- Clown Fish (650 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
- Surgeonfish (1,000 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
- Butterfly Fish (1,000 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
- Zebra Turkeyfish (500 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons April Fish —Southern Hemisphere
Only two new fish are coming to Southern Hemisphere islands in April, but Southerners will be able to reel in 44 fish total, notably more than their counterparts.
- Yellow Perch (300 Bells) are found in rivers all day.
- Dab (300 Bells) are found in the ocean all day.
There's an all new swarm of bugs to catch in 'Animal Crossing: New Horizon.'
Animal Crossing: New Horizons April Bugs — Northern Hemisphere
Players that reside in the Northern hemisphere will have access to 35 out of 80 total bugs during this time.
- Common Bluebottle (300 Bells) are found flying from 4 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Agrias Butterfly (3,000 Bells) are found flying from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Raja Brooke’s Birdwing (2,500 Bells) are found above purple, black, and blue flowers from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Atlas Moth (3,000 Bells) are found on trees from 7 p.m. - 4 a.m.
- Madagascan Sunset Moth (2,500 Bells) are found flying from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Long Locust (200 Bells) are found in grass from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Darner Dragonfly (230 Bells) are found flying from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Giant Water Bug (2,000 Bells) are found on ponds and rivers from 7 p.m. - 8 a.m.
- Jewel Beetle (2,400 Bells) are found on trees all day.
- Flea (70 Bells) are found on infested villagers all day.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons April Bugs — Southern Hemisphere
Gamers in the Southern hemisphere will have access to 36 bugs, so only one extra compared to Northerners.
- Ladybug (200 Bells) are found on flowers from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Common Bluebottle (300 Bells) are found flying from 4 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Jewel Beetle (2,400 Bells) are found on trees all day.