How to get costumes, different colors, and tiny pets in Among Us

Among Us is a murder mystery party in space, but you're given a surprisingly wide variety of style options. In a group of 10, one to three players are alien Imposters and it's up to the remaining Crewmates to uncover these bloodthirsty killers before everyone is killed. What would any good murder mystery be without costumes?
Here's how you can access tons of costumes on both PC and mobile versions of Among Us.
How do you change your color, costume, and pet in Among Us?
In Among Us, every player has a different color for their spacesuit to make it easier to keep track of everyone, but there are a few extra cosmetics you can adjust to further stand out. You can change your attire by either adding a hat or donning a whole outfit. If that's not enough, you can also obtain a number of pets.
Your equipped pet and costume must be swapped in the physical lobby before matches. Interact with the computer in the lobby to alter what you have equipped.
If you're just starting your Among Us career, don't worry, because a number of things will be unlocked by default.
Changing the good 'ol attire.
What Among Us colors, costumes, and pets are available by default?
It depends on the platform you're playing Among Us on. If you're playing the free-to-play mobile edition, you'll receive a selection of 12 colors and 40+ hats for free. Otherwise, hats cost between $0.99 to $2.99. Every other cosmetic section is paid.
On the PC version, which costs $4.99, every hat and outfit is free. Pets are a paid addition on both platforms, and they cost $2.99 each.
How do you get new costumes and pets in Among Us?
Pets will always have to be purchased through an in-game store for $2.99. This can be accessed by clicking the dollar symbol on the main page or via the customization terminal in the lobby. This will be the same way that you purchase skins on Mobile devices.
If you're playing on PC, there are a few seasonal unlocks that you can enjoy. By playing on either Christmas or Halloween, you'll unlock hats linked to the holidays. These same hats must be purchased on mobile and cannot be unlocked. They'll be available in the mobile store during the respective seasons.
All these choices and nothing good to wear.
What do pets do in Among Us?
When you equip a pet, a small creature or machine will follow you throughout the map. If you happen to perish, they'll mark where you died by sitting beside your corpse for eternity.
None of the cosmetics apply any advantage in Among Us and are only used to make your character appear "cooler."
Read also: Everything we know about Among Us 2
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