"You're afraid ... of death."
White Vision vs. Vision: Who will win? Here's what the comics reveal.
'WandaVision' has two androids on a collision course. Who wins in a fight, all being equal? Inverse weighs in.
by Richard NewbyWho would win? It’s a question all fans of superheroes and villains have asked each other, likely more than once, thinking about their favorite characters battling it out with one another. And with WandaVision coming to a closer, there's one match-up, in particular, that's on our minds: Vision vs. White Vision.
These two androids are at the heart of Disney+ series, deadly opponents in their own right, competing for Wanda's heart — one of whom is quite likely to literally break it. Which Vision would win in a synthetic head-to-head battle for it all? But before that battle plays out on WandaVision, we dug into Marvel's comic book history to offer our best educated guess on the outcome of White Vision vs. Vision.
Inversus is an Inverse series that pits the best of the best against each other from all corners of the superhero omniverse.
In The Red Corner: Vision
Paul Bettany as Vision.
Standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 300 pounds (at normal density), Vision is the product of several makers: Ultron, Iron Man, Bruce Banner, Thor, and the Mind Stone.
First appearing in Marvel Comics' 1968 comic book Avengers #57 and later the MCU by way of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Vision has gone on to play essential roles in many other Marvel projects — most recently WandaVision, an improbable outcome given that he died not once but twice in Avengers: Infinity War.
Vision's powers are myriad: Density manipulation, intangibility, superstrength, super-speed, flight, computer interfacing, super-intelligence, solar radiation absorption, solar energy beams ... you name it. He's also armed to the teeth with wisdom, responsible for some of the most emotionally impactful lines in the MCU. (just recently: "What is grief, if not love persevering?") He's also quick with a quip, such as his parting words to Ultron: "I was born yesterday."
In The Blue Corner: White Vision
Paul Bettany as ... well, the other Vision.
Standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 300 pounds (at normal density), White Vision is ... well, awfully similar to regular Vision.
But there's a pivotal difference: those aforementioned witticisms? The "old soul" personality? All of that — Gone.
The White Vision's powers are all familiar to the original version: Density manipulation, intangibility, super-strength, super-speed, flight, computer interfacing, super-intelligence, solar radiation absorption, solar energy beams ... you name it. But the things that make Vision ... well, "Vision," are nowhere to be found.
Instead, White Vision represents what S.W.O.R.D. Director Tyler Hayward thinks of the android Avenger: extraordinary weaponized potential — a very deadly alteration for anyone unlucky enough to get in his path.
Vision vs. White Vision: Fight!
Let the battle begin!
While evenly matched in abilities, the original Vision and the White Vision are entirely unique beings.
For all intents and purposes, Vision is a human man housed within a synthetic body. In the comics, Vision is not just built by Ultron; he also possesses the brain waves of Simon Williams (aka, Wonder Man), making his very nature heroic.
Vision is emotional. He's capable of love, fear, desire, humor, and prone to the emotional outbursts that dictate any human life. He’s a philosopher and a poet who wants nothing more than to be a better human.
John Byrne, West Coast Avengers #45 (1989)
White Vision, on the other hand, is an android who retains the memories of the original Vision, but none of his emotional capabilities.
(At least not until much later when he copies the brain patterns of scientist Alex Lipton, but ... that's another story.)
The "infant" White Vision, who is the opponent in this match, is a being of immense power dictated entirely by logic. Although heroic in his actions, White Vision isn’t guided by the friendships and relationships of his previous life, leading to the dissolution of his marriage to Wanda Maximoff, and a cause for unrest among his fellow Avengers. He’s a computer programmed for superheroism, whose morality is dictated by data.
Roy Thomas and John Buscema, Avengers #57 (1968)
If forced to fight in separate bodies, as WandaVision is setting them up to do, White Vision would take whatever steps he found logical and necessary to win. Even without Simon Williams’ brain patterns, White Vision would undoubtedly retain a fair bit of his father, Ultron.
With his ability to interface with computers he would, like Ultron, create additional copies of himself to fight Vision. If it came down to his survival, a status he would view as necessary for the continued protection of the world, he would have no compunction to go easy on Vision, and could conceivably create an army of copies.
John Byrne, West Coast Avengers #45 (1989)
What chance would Vision alone stand against an army with all of his powers and none of his feelings? Not much.
But as a result of his human consciousness, Vision has a fear of death his counterpart does not. He fears what he stands to lose, but also laments the fact that there are lives lived without the feelings and passions that guided him.
Vision vs. White Vision: The verdict
Vision would die in his battle against White Vision, but not before saying something profound that would make his alabaster adversary question himself and his purpose. White Vision would admire his fallen brother and, over time, begin to wonder if there is any logic in living a life without love — eventually leading him to acquire Simon Williams’ brain waves for himself and becoming the very thing he once destroyed: Vision.
Tom King and Michael Walsh, Vision #7 (2016)
So, with a beyond-the-grave finishing move, the first Inversus winner is ...Vision!
WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+.