Here's what the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover could mean for Thor 4
Asguardians of the Galaxy just might be happening.

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, "Bro Thor" leaves New Asgard in the capable hands of Valkyrie to go off on an adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Now one of Marvel's actors has let slip the huge spoiler that Thor: Love and Thunder will indeed feature the Guardians of the Galaxy in the movie currently scheduled to close out Marvel Studios' Phase Four.
In a video published by Monday hosted by journalist Brandon Davis, Vin Diesel reveals that Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi reached out to him in order to discuss his involvement in the upcoming movie.
"[Waititi] talked to me about how Thor will incorporate some of the Guardians of the Galaxy, which will be very interesting," Diesel said. "Nobody knows, but maybe I shouldn't have said anything."
Diesel made these comments during a press junket to promote his new movie Bloodshot, but he also went on to drop some interesting hints at the new evolution of his Guardians of the Galaxy character, Groot.
"I only have two words about that character and it is 'Alpha Groot'," Diesel said.
We've seen regular Groot and Baby Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1 and vol. 2, respectively. Then there was Teen Groot in Infinity War. Diesel's comment hints at a brand-new stage in Groot's lifecycle. One possibility is King Groot, an alt-reality version of the character who went on to become a warmongering galactic warlord rather than a gentle tree. That's because he never met Rocket Racoon or joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and endured their chaotic-good influence.
On some level, the Guardians of the Galaxy being included in Thor: Love and Thunder seems pretty obvious given where we last left off with these characters. Gamora died so that Thanos could claim the Soul Stone in Infinity War, but she was replaced in the present day by an alternate version of herself from the past. These days, the Guardians of the Galaxy include Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Nebula, Drax, and Mantis with Thor as the newest addition.
Their primary goal seemed to be tracking down Gamora, but there's no telling how much time will have passed between the end of Endgame and the beginning of Thor: Love and Thunder. The film won't be released until the very end of Phase Four in fall 2021, so it's possible several years may have gone by within the Marvel Universe as well as our own.
We know that Love and Thunder will see Natalie Portman's Jane Foster become the new Mighty Thor. It's unclear how that will all fit in when much of the story seems poised to take place in outer space. Tessa Thompson will reprise her role as Valkyrie, and recently confirmed rumors that Christian Bale would play the villain.
Director James Gunn has previously confirmed that Thor: Love and Thunder happens before Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, and it'll be released much sooner as well. It's unclear whether or not Thor will still appear in the next Guardians movie or even which members of the Guardians of the Galaxy beyond Groot will appear in Love and Thunder. The mere prospect of Taika Waititi directing the MCU's goofiest characters, however, should get everyone excited for how things will shape up over the next year.
Thor: Love and Thunder will be released on November 5, 2021.