The Peripheral Episode 8 release date, time, plot, cast and trailer for Amazon’s sci-fi finale
Sit down and plug in to this week’s season finale for Prime Video’s time-skipping show

It’s almost time to experience the trippy final episode of The Peripheral. Adapted from famed sci-fi writer William Gibson’s titular 2014 novel, this intricate project executive produced by Westworld’s Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy for Amazon Prime Video is best enjoyed with a nice mug of spiked eggnog.
Steering into this week’s season finale, here’s everything you need to know about The Peripheral Episode 8, “The Creation of a Thousand Forests,” from release date and start time to details on the decade-shifting story.
When is The Peripheral Episode 8 release date?
The Peripheral Episode 8 appears exclusively on Amazon starting Friday, December 2.
What is The Peripheral Episode 8 release time?
Amazon offers up new movies and shows at midnight Eastern time each Friday (or 9 p.m. Pacific)
How many episodes are left for The Peripheral Season 1?
The premiere season of The Peripheral is just eight episodes long. After this week’s final chapter there are no episodes remaining until a possible Season 2 lands.
Tommy Constantine (Alex Hernandez) in The Peripheral
What is the plot of The Peripheral Episode 8?
With the creepy menace of Cherise Nuland infecting Ainsley Lowbeer’s life and suggesting that the Zubov clan and the Fishers be murdered, there may be some critical pivot in the plot and new alliances could be formed before the connection between the two timelines is severed forever.
Will Lowbeer consider her offer to help protect their timeline or will she rebel and save Flynne?
We’ll likely learn exactly how the Research Institute first set up stub research experiments in many different scientific disciplines and their connection to Flynne and her family, especially the behavioral modification tests and haptic implants. Those advanced neural adjustment mechanisms falling into nefarious hands might be a dangerous time bomb ready to detonate.
The time splinter of Flynne’s world is also accelerating toward the Jackpot event due to all this temporal tampering, all while Zubov and the Klept intend on sequencing Flynne’s brain bacteria as a weaponized agent to sell to the highest bidder. This is apt to urge Aelita West out of her hiding place to halt the transaction and expose the Research Institute’s unethical activities.
And Tommy Constantine will certainly be dealing with the fallout from the Sheriff Jackson shooting and Corbell Pickett’s knockout blow that may or may not have left him dead.
Who is in The Peripheral cast?
The Peripheral enjoys an eclectic array of performers including Chloë Grace Moretz (Flynne Fisher), Gary Carr (Wilf Netherton), Jack Reynor (Burton Fisher), Eli Goree (Conner), Charlotte Riley (Aelita), JJ Feild (Lev Zubov), Adelind Horan (Billy Ann Baker), Alex Hernandez (Tommy), Austin Rising (Leon), Alexandra Billings (Ainsley Lowbeer), and T'Nia Miller (Dr. Cherise Nuland).
Is there a trailer for The Peripheral Episode 8?
Amazon Studios has made it a habit of not delivering any specific trailers beyond the 30 seconds of post-episode teaser footage that rarely offers any concrete plot secrets. But there’s a better way to become indoctrinated into this trippy world with Amazon’s full “Weeks Ahead” preview.
What happened in The Peripheral Episode 7?
Chief Inspector Ainsley Lowbeer set down her cup of tea long enough to interrogate Flynne, Burton, and Conner at the Zubov estate. She then took them all on a field trip to a Met training facility called The Zoo. There, Burton and Conner accompanied Lowbeer’s apprentice, Beatrice, into a magically manifested tower where they battled robots floor-to-floor while acquiring combat skills. Reaching the top, it’s revealed that Beatrice is a robot and destroys their avatars.
Flynne and Wilf stayed behind for Lowbeer to grill them further about suspicious timeline anomalies she uncovered between 2032 and 2099, indicating that the RI is messing with her stub to gain knowledge of how the apocalyptic Jackpot event happened.
In Flynne’s 2032, Ella suffered a glitch in her recovery and suddenly lost her sight again and was taken to the hospital by Reece. Our favorite Irish hitman Bob the Butcher, looking pretty beat-up by now, followed them into the clinic and held them hostage at gunpoint after murdering Reece.
Back at Zubov’s estate, fellow Klept members Ash and Ossian discovered that Neoprim Aelita West downloaded the stolen Research Institute data into Flynne’s eye and it’s now become that bacterial brain infection found by Dr. Dee Dee. They plan to doublecross Zubov and sell the info, but Lev is one step ahead and threatens to carve them up if they attempt something so foolish again. However, he’s hip to their greedy plan!
Alexandra Billings (Ainsley Lowbeer) and T'Nia Miller (Cherise Nuland) in The Peripheral
Meanwhile, Cherise Nuland popped in on Inspector Lowbeer and inquired about Beatrice’s unique functions while apparently planting some sort of tracking device on her via a handshake. It’s hinted that Beatrice was actually created in the likeness of Lowbeer’s absentee daughter.
Leaping back to 2032, Burton, Conner, and Flynne emerged from their avatars and saw a message that Reece took Ella to Dr. Dee Dee. They realize Reece is dead by Leon unsuccessfully tapping into his communications haptics. After scoping out Bob with their sniper rifles, they hit their target. The seemingly indestructible Bob was destroyed and Ella and Dr. Dee Dee are saved.
Finally, Tommy figured out that Sheriff Jackson was working with Corbell Pickett and is the one who collided with his car and dragged Bob to Corbell’s place. He found Bob’s pistol in the impounded car and headed over to Corbell’s house where Sheriff Jackson told Tommy to frame Flynne and Burton for Mary’s electrocution murder or lose his job. But Tommy had a better plan and shoots his boss dead then blasted Corbell out the window with the sci-fi weapon.
Will The Peripheral get a Season 2?
Despite fading viewer enthusiasm down the November home stretch, The Peripheral will likely score a second season. Showrunner Greg Plageman, creator Scott B. Smith, and director Vincenzo Natali have all expressed interest in generating a Season 2 and Season 3, but Amazon Studios has still not announced anything official.