Rosario Dawson-Ahsoka Tano casting leak solves a Mandalorian Season 2 mystery
If this report is true, it could explain how Mando gets Baby Yoda back home.

Don't call her Snips! Ahsoka Tano, arguably the most beloved character from any Star Wars animated series Ahsoka Tano, is suddenly making the jump to lightspeed to live-action. According to reliable reports, Rosario Dawson, known for her roles in Sin City, Daredevil, and The Defenders, will bring the greatest ex-Jedi to life in The Mandalorian Season 2. But what does it mean? Let's find out and speculate wildly.
On Friday, Slashfilm reported that Rosario Dawson will appear in Mandalorian Season 2 as Ahsoka Tano. As Slashfilm pointed out, this is something both Dawson and Star Wars fans have wanted for a while: "This is a fan-casting dream come true. In 2017, a fan tweeted at Rosario Dawson, asking her to appear in a Star Wars movie as Ahsoka, and the actress responded, “Ummmm… yes, please?! #AhsokaLives."
First of all, they're right. Dawson as Ahsoka is perfect casting, and if this is confirmed, it will mean The Mandalorian Season 2 could suddenly become a direct sequel to The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels at the same time. But, what could Ahsoka be doing in Mandalorian season 2?
In terms of her timeline, we're certainly missing some fairly large pieces. Right now, The Clone Wars season 7 is detailing exactly what Ahsoka went through after being kicked out of the Jedi order sometime right before Revenge of the Sith. About 15 years later, Star Wars Rebels established that Ahsoka was instrumental in helping the Rebellion get its act together in the first place. And, by the end of Rebels, we know Ahsoka was still alive just after the events of Return of the Jedi.
Now, The Rise of Skywalker featured Ahsoka's voice as one of many Jedi spirits speaking to Rey through the Force, but this doesn't exactly mean she died in between Return of the Jedi and Episode IX. That said, if Ahsoka was alive in Episode IX, she would be much older than Luke Skywalker or Leia Organa. Meaning, having Ahsoka appear in The Mandalorian Season 2 is the perfect time period to help us understand what her life was like after Rebels.
The Mandalorian takes place six years after the Battle of Endor, and around that time, in the Rebels finale, we saw Ahsoka heading off into the "Unknown Regions" with Sabine to search for Ezra Bridger. Like Baby Yoda, Ahsoka was definitely an off-the-grid Force-user, so it actually makes perfects sense that she would be interested in what Baby Yoda is doing.
Naturally, Ahsoka also knew Master Yoda, which means she'll either know exactly where Baby Yoda came from or be utterly confused. Either way, the prospect of seeing Rosario Dawson wield Ahoska's lightsabers, all while defending Baby Yoda is probably the best news of 2020 so far.
Inverse reached out to Lucasfilm for confirmation and we will update this article if we receive a response.
The Mandalorian Season 2 hits Disney+ in Fall of 2020.