From Exclusive Clip Peels Away At Its Biggest Mystery
The residents of the town aren’t there randomly.

There’s something afoot within the Matthews family. They’ve been the main focus of MGM+’s hit series From, but in Season 3 their story has gotten more complicated than ever. Tabitha Matthews escaped the Town in the revelatory Season 2 finale, but in Season 3 she found her way back, determined to figure out the mystery behind what’s keeping everyone trapped.
Season 3 Episode 6 brought a shocking revelation: the strange settlement Jade found in his exploration looks just like a recurring nightmare she had as a child. Much like Victor’s mother Miranda, who died trying to escape from the lighthouse Tabitha used in the Season 2 finale, she feels she has been called to the town for a reason.
Inverse can share an exclusive clip from Season 3 Episode 7, “These Fragile Lives,” revealing just what happens when Tabitha tells her husband about this huge connection. Check out the clip below.
Jim gaslights Tabitha because he is hesitant to put stock into anything the town makes them think or feel: Every supernatural plot twist has always led to danger. But Tabitha counters that this isn’t something the Town is infecting her with since becoming trapped: this is something from her childhood, something within her connecting to this town, not the Town changing her.
But just what is behind it? What does her connection to the Town — and to Miranda — mean? After Episode 6 brought back the creepy “anghkooey” kids, it’s clear Tabitha’s journey is far from finished, but in order to do what she needs to do to crack this mystery, she needs to be believed.
Jim and Tabitha discuss Tabitha’s creepy decades-old connection to the town and what it could mean.
There are still three episodes left after Episode 7, so it’s likely there will be more shocking reveals on the way, but this confrontation proves that Tabitha has put her full faith in the Town. Like John Locke in From’s spiritual predecessor Lost, she believes life sent her on her path for a purpose, and she won’t rest until she figures it out.