Falcon and Winter Soldier toy leak reveals a huge Captain America spoiler
If this is real, it just confirmed one of the biggest theories around.

It’s not quite WandaVision when it comes to the central mystery, but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is still making fans ask one big question: Who will be the next Captain America?
There’s no way Wyatt Russell is actually going to hold onto the roll, right? (Right?!) So should we assume that Sam Wilson (aka, Falcon) will eventually reclaim the shield? That’s probably a safe bet, but a new Falcon and the Winter Soldier may confirm who the new Cap is once and for all. Warning! Possible spoilers ahead.
Courtesy of the online Disney store from Chinese retail site TMall (via Reddit), we’ve seen the future of Falcon and the Winter Soldier in the form of some Sam and Bucky action figures. Bucky looks like his old self (no White Wolf outfit here), but Sam is clearly labeled as “Captain America” and he’s rocking a pretty wild new outfit.
Falcon still has his jet-powered wings, but the entire outfit (wings included) has been repainted in red, white, and blue. Near the bottom of the box, you can also clearly see Cap’s shield alongside what appears to be a quartet of missiles. (See the images for yourself here.)
It’s no huge surprise that Sam Wilson is set to be the new Captain America. Clearly, the Marvel Cinematic Universe needs someone in that role, and only Sam has the original Cap’s explicit approval. How Falcon will reclaim the title and shield from John Walker remains a mystery.
The new Captain America, but for how long?
Then again, this is just a photo of a toy from a Chinese website. It could be fake. Maybe Falcon doesn’t become the new Captain America at all. Or maybe he does, but his final costume is a little less... extra. With just five episodes left to go, it won’t be long before we find out.
More interesting, perhaps, is the suggestion that at the end of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes will still be the “Winter Soldier.” If you consider the fact that this title originates from his time as a killing machine used by Hydra, that’s actually kind of sad.
If Bucky becomes the “White Wolf” or some other new title, it will signify that he’s finally put a very dark chapter of his life behind him. Hopefully, the Winter Soldier will still manage to make amends and move on by the end of the show, but perhaps Marvel is saving that for Season 2.