We Have Really High Hopes for Lena Dunham’s BuzzFeed Podcast
Get ready for Women of the Hour.

Today in post-everything internet announcements, BuzzFeed and Lena Dunham announced a new podcast series: Women of the Hour. The series will focus on fifteen specific episodes and side-episodes of interviews with the likes of Janet Monk, Emma Stone, Zadie Smith, Amy Sedaris, and a host of other brilliant women.
Right now podcasts appear to be the next BIG THING in media, so seeing Dunham step into the space is not too surprising. What is interesting is the partnership with BuzzFeed, considering that Dunham just launched her own newsletter, Lenny, without ties to any specific media brand. The fact that the podcast isn’t being done independently should be interesting to Dunham’s fans. (It could just be that a podcast is harder to produce than a newsletter.)
Still, the initial line-up of guests is a diverse group by anyone’s standards. Also, a tweet like this…
…shows that the podcast will exist out of Dunham’s own bubble. The show will start on November 5, but check out a preview of the show where there is plenty of laughter and talk of friendship.