Doctor Who Week

A week-long celebration of all things Doctor Who, up to the 60th anniversary of the sci-fi TV franchise. (New stories November 20 to 25, 2023.)

The Inverse Ranking
The 60 Best Doctor Who Episodes of All Time, Ranked

Personally, we think that’s a hell of a show.

by Hoai-Tran Bui, Ryan Britt and Dais Johnston
Dewey Saunders/Inverse; BBC One
Timey Wimey

'Doctor Who' Invented a Brilliant Storytelling Trick — And Turned Itself Into a Phenomenon

Can’t get through old Doctor Who episodes? The books are better.


Edgar Wright Has a Good Reason for Not Directing Most Important Episode of 'Doctor Who'

"It was a simple no, even though it would've been great."


New 'Doctor Who' Monsters Are Such Deep Cuts That You Can't Even Watch Their Original Episodes

Both Beep the Meep and the Celestial Toymaker are Who creatures from the very edge of the show's distant past.


The Secret to 'Doctor Who’s Regenerations Lies in its Classic Era

By Rory Doherty

Thirty-nine years ago, Doctor Who had the courage to underplay itself.


6 'Doctor Who' Episodes to Watch Before the 60th Anniversary Special

By Dais Johnston

Everything you need to know about The Doctor and Donna Noble before their glorious reunion.

Timey Wimey

58 Years Ago, 'Doctor Who' Got So Weird It Actually Became A Different Series

By Ryan Britt

We barely remember when Doctor Who became Dr. Who. But we should.

Doctor Who’s “The Star Beast” Is Absolutely Ludicrous in the Best Way Possible

It feels good to be back.

by Hoai-Tran Bui
Timey Wimey

'Doctor Who' Season 2’s Episode Titles Reveal The Return Of A Dangerous Trope

By Ryan Britt

The return of a crack?

Tardis Talk

'Doctor Who's New Era Could End Sooner Than We Thought

By Ryan Britt

Who will likely never end. But, an offscreen regeneration —of sorts — might be coming.

Impossible Girls

'Doctor Who' Is Repeating Its Favorite Companion Trope — Unless It’s Not

By Ryan Britt

Who is the Nurse?


'Doctor Who' is About to Introduce a Weird Historic First

By Dais Johnston

A new season, a new companion, and a new medium.


'Doctor Who' Needs To Be About The Doctor Again

By Dais Johnston

Season 2’s storyline is as familiar as its companion.

The Tardis

7 Years Later, One 'Doctor Who' Actor Repeats a Weird Tradition

By Dais Johnston

Meet Mr. Ring-A-Ding. He may sound a bit familiar.


No, 'Doctor Who' Is Not Canceled (Again)

By Dais Johnston

It’s been around for 62 years and will come back for at least one more season.


'Doctor Who’s Writers Just Confirmed the Show's Biggest Secret

By Ryan Britt

Is there really more than one Doctor?

From the Depths

'Doctor Who's' Next Big Spinoff Is Taking Inspiration From Unlikely Sources

By Dais Johnston

The next series won’t be what fans expect.


'Doctor Who' Is Bringing Back An Innovative Writer

By Dais Johnston

Class is (kind of) back in session.