CamSoda's Performer Data Predicts the Presidential Election
CamSoda has predicted voter outcome in swing states based on the popularity of certain cam models.

Porn viewing data says a lot more about cultural phenomena than you may think. It taught us that Apple’s iPhone 7 Keynote last month made lots of iOS users particularly horny, and now it’s making predictions about who will be president of the United States. Adult entertainment site CamSoda determined, based on the popularity of its cam models, that Hillary Clinton will beat Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election.
CamSoda devised a way to predict voter outcome in swing states based on the popularity of certain cam models. First, the site ranked the top models in red states and the top models in blue states by tips earned. Next, top cam models in swing states like Ohio and Florida were ranked based on their popularity in red and blue states, which helped researchers create an infographic that shows the preferences in swing states for models correlated to their popularity in red and blue states.
CamSoda's model prediction engine
Using an electoral vote calculator, the team at CamSoda concluded that based on the popularity of top swing state models in red and blue states, Clinton will win the election by eight electoral votes. The results tell us what we want — that a mango-colored, bigoted fascist won’t be Commander-in-Chief — but it would be more comforting if the numbers weren’t so close.
Yes, to confirm what you’ve been thinking this whole time, it is ludicrous to think you can predict the outcome of the presidential election based on porn. CamSoda’s study is in no way scientific. Still, the results indicate that the political distinctions between states often come out in a seemingly apolitical preference: porn content. Perhaps it is the goal of this study, then, to politicize porn, which may be upsetting to you because it seems like everything is political these days. Well, sorry to break it to you: that’s because it is.