Remember: NASA Starts Accepting Astronaut Applications in a Week
If ever there was a time to get your resume together, now would be that time.

Last month, NASA announced plans to accept open applications for its astronaut program, beginning December 14. That means you only have to wait one week until you have a chance to make your case.
To be sure, that case is going to be hard to make. If you come from a non-piloting background, you must have a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field and at least three years’ related experience, or at least 1,000 hours experience of pilot-in-command time in a jet aircraft. You’ll also need to pass a physical showing you can last the long duration of stress caused by living in space, plus have eyes and ears that work in tip-top shape (if you need glasses, you’ll be fine). Naturally, military personnel will probably be in a better position to apply, but that won’t deter qualified civilians.
Astronaut recruitment is a rigorous process. Even if you’re selected as a candidate for the new class, you will have to undergo a training and evaluation process that could stretch out to two years, encompassing physical training, flight and spacecraft operation, simulations of zero-gravity environments, and a whole lot more. And after all this, you may not even be chosen to go up into space.
You can learn more about the program here. Good luck to all who apply.