Twitter Testing Tweet Emoji Reactions
Apparently the new heart is only the start.

A Twitter user has discovered the social networking service is testing emojis for reaction purposes.
The current Twitter method of showing approval — the “like” demonstrated by a heart, which only recently replaced the long-running “favorite” star — may soon be only one of several ways Twitter users will potentially be able to riposte.
As it turns out, users could eventually find a range of expressive faces to employ, and even the full approval a “100” can grant, as revealed Monday by Twitter user @_Ninji:
Twitter user @_Ninji found these emojis-in-testing via a development build.
According to The Verge writer Casey Newton, @_Ninji AKA Ninji, infamous dog says he came across the emojis as part of a development build opened through a jailbroken iOS app.
@_Ninji also stated to Newton that the emoji feature was apparently incomplete, for despite his access, any emoji Ninji assigned would change to the standard heart once his Twitter feed refreshed.
Mr. Newton reached out to Twitter for a reaction, and reports receiving this, nothing more:
Writer Casey Newton received this response from Twitter concerning the emoji testing discovered Monday, November 16, 2015.