The 'Memento' Remake Is a Stupid and Bad Idea
AMBI Pictures, Luxembourg-based international film company, is about to do a nonsensical thing.

What’s the statute of limitations on how quickly a film can be remade? With superhero movies, all bets are off I know — if you make an unpopular or even [super-successful]( one, go ahead and feel free to revamp as soon as [possible.](
But remaking a visionary drama by one of the world’s top five most popular filmmakers that is still relatively fresh in most of the memory of a large part of its demographic, readily available, and only fifteen years young has got to be one of the stupidest ideas in the recent history of cinema.
It’s even stupider than when Gus Van Sant did his shot-for-shot — well, plus one jacking-off scene — Vince Vaughn Psycho remake. That, at least, came several decades after the original Hitchcock film.
Yet foriegn film company AMBI Pictures is apparently undertaking the project. It bought the rights to the Exclusive Media Group data base, which meant that they obtained rights to the film and could greenlight the remake as their next production.
It’s almost like they forgot Nolan ever made Memento in the first place… remember, ‘cause in the movie…he forgets…wait, what am I writing about? The Bieber album?
Oh, right, the Memento remake — sorry. Anyway, here’s the quote about the project from one of the company’s co-presidents, Monika Bacardi:
“Memento is a masterpiece that leaves audiences guessing not just throughout the film, but long after as well, which is a testament to its daring approach. We intend to stay true to Christopher Nolan’s vision and deliver a memorable movie that is every bit as edgy, iconic and award-worthy as the original. It’s a big responsibility to deliver something that lives up to the mastery of the original, but we are extremely excited and motivated to bring this puzzle back to life and back into the minds of moviegoers.”
Yes, it is a big responsibility to make a movie that is pretty much doomed to suck. We at Inverse wish you the best of luck during this difficult time.