Hillary Clinton Says She'll Correct the Sentencing Difference Between Cocaine and Crack
"We're talking about two forms of the same drug, it makes no sense to continue treating them differently."

When Hillary Clinton pledged last week to eliminate the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine, it came as no surprise to those who have been following her policies.
“We’re talking about two forms of the same drug, it makes no sense to continue treating them differently,” said Clinton. “Let’s finish the job and fix this.”
Clinton has publicly supported form on crack and cocaine laws since 2007. However, in her first presidential bid she was opposed to making shorter sentences for crack offenders retroactive. She now supports it.
The Democratic candidate declared her intentions to a large crowd at Clark Atlanta University on Friday. She dedicated this reform and announced two more facets of her criminal justice platform — an end to racial profiling by police and a law to enforce the federal government from asking job applicants about their criminal history.
“Race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind,” said Clinton. “Racial profiling is wrong, demanding, doesn’t keep us safe or help solve crimes. It’s time to put that practice behind us.”
Clinton’s announcement that she will keep the federal government from asking applicants about their criminal history is known in reform conversations as ‘ban the box’ — a nationwide campaign to remove conviction history questions on job applications during the initial stage of hiring. More than 100 cities and counties in the United States have adopted the policy.