
Snapchat Owns Users' Images Everywhere and Forever 

The app's new terms of service spell out exactly how much you're handing over.

by Peter Rugg

Snapchat’s Wednesday update includes a rewrite of its Terms of Services and Privacy Policy, spelling out specifically just what information the photo app is collecting and sharing. It’s quite a haul!

It’s the first time the terms have been updated in nearly a year, according to Business Insider, and users may be surprised how much ownership they’re turning over to Snapchat. Like, all of it, basically.

The terms say the app may share your information with third party providers, sellers, and partners, and are automatically granted “unrestricted, worldwide, and perpetual right and license to use your name, likeness, and voice, in any and all media and distribution channels (now known or later developed) in connection with any Live Story or other crowd-sourced content you create, upload, post, send, or appear in.”

Further, they can also screen and delete your content at any time for any reason. They brought you into this world; they can take you out of it.

If they do keep your content on file, know that they can exhibit it at any time, publicly or privately, in basically any media distribution model available now or that will ever exist.

At least they’re being open about it! Something to think about before you click “Accept.”